
Sharing Links to Filtered Transaction Lists

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin
This discussion was created from comments split from: Search by Dollar Amount.


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    SBenoitSBenoit Member Posts: 48 ✭✭


    I did a search to see if this was something discussed before, but I can't seem to find anything relevant.

    I work for a bookkeeping company and we use Wave with a lot of our clients. One thing we like to do is show clients a specific list of transactions as filtered in Wave by copying the URL when we have the view that we want to share with them. This worked great with the legacy version of Wave, but the new version has 2 issues:

    1. The filtered parameters are obscured by some sort of hash, so it's not easy to modify without going back to Wave to generate a new URL: (eg: filters=eyJjYXRlZ29yaWVzIjpbMF19)
    2. The URL and filter will not retain which account is selected at the top of the transactions page, so it will likely default to 'All accounts'.

    Also, another issue that exists in both the legacy and new Wave apps is that if I send a link to a transaction list to someone who is not logged in, if they click on it they will be asked to log in, but it won't take them to the URL they originally requested (this is pretty basic web app development where there's a redirect URL included in the login URL so the user ends up where they intended, if they have access to it after logging in)

    Are there any plans to make these URLs more collaboration-friendly? I hate having to instruct my clients to 'make sure you have the right account selected' and 'make sure you're logged in before clicking the link', etc.


    edited July 17, 2019
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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @SBenoit. Thanks for reaching out with this here. I've actually reached out to my Application Support team regarding your specific case that you are running into since the URLs should be working as expected. Once I have more information for you, I will reach out with that specific detail. I appreciate your patience here for the time being.

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    SBenoitSBenoit Member Posts: 48 ✭✭

    Hi, I'd like to reopen this discussion.

    It seems the issue of links used when not logged in is now fixed (if I send a link to a client and they aren't logged in, it will prompt them to do so and take then directly to the page originally linked.) Thank you!

    Also, I figured out that the filter text in the transaction URLs is just JSON in base64 encoding, so it's easy enough for me to reverse engineer it (but really though, it should be done through readable text like (most) Wave reports).

    Issue 2 hasn't been addressed yet, though. We're getting into tax season and it's really important to be able to collaborate effectively by sharing links that show exactly what we're seeing.

    This is what URLs look like now:

    https://next.waveapps.com/[business uid]/transactions/[optional transaction id]?filters=[base64 of JSON filter]

    What it should look like, so it carries what we're seeing when someone else views the same URL:

    https://next.waveapps.com/[business uid]/transactions/[optional transaction id]?filters=[base64 filter]&account_guid=[account_guid]&sort_order=[ASC|DESC]

    I hope you agree!

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