Receiving future deposits

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin

imageReceiving future deposits

Once your account is fully active, getting paid is even easier and faster. The credit card and bank payment fields will appear on all invoices that you issue in your default currency so that you or...

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edited December 19, 2019 in Help Center Discussion


  • Lance_L512Lance_L512 Member Posts: 1

    ***And wouldn't you know I found it right after I finished this post. :blush: I swear I clicked on "Payouts" several times before and nothing ever showed up. Anyway, I don't see where I can delete this post, but I am trying not to waste anyone's time by adding this updated status.

    I know that under "Transactions" you can see where individual invoices were paid. My question relates to when multiple paid invoices get sent as one deposit to my bank. Is there a place where one can see a breakdown of that transfer (deposit? For example, if I see a deposit from WAVE on my bank statement in the amount of $500, I'd like to see specifically to which invoices that $500 correlates to. I confess, my accounting needs are pretty basic and I primarily use Wave to invoice and receive payments. So, maybe it's broken down in some other area/process that I'm not doing. Thanks.

    edited February 7, 2020
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