Missing Year of Data

JamgirlJamgirl Member Posts: 6

Hi. My 2017 data is no longer seen in Wave. I mean the entire year! No report generates any 2017 data. I started using wave in 2017. I only see 2018, 2019 and I've just started entering 2020. What has happened? Is there a limit to how much data is stored per account? How do I get back this data?


  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Jamgirl

    This is a strange error to occur. It looks like you were migrated to the newer accounting platform about a year ago. Just curious if you head to your transactions page, would you mind trying to use the filter tool to see if any transactions are appearing from this time. When we migrated users over their transactions were moved over with adjustment entries which may have been the case here.

    Moreover if you head to settings > data export > you should be able to download your transactions as they were imported originally.

  • VincyVincy Member Posts: 1

    Hey @Jamgirl

    Since 2017 is not listed in the Date Range, you will have to manually select the dates.
    Eg: 2017-01-01 and 2017-12-31

    That solved my issue, hope it helps.

  • JamgirlJamgirl Member Posts: 6

    Hey @Vincy
    Thanks so much for taking the time to answer my question.

    Yes! That works (wipes brow in relief).

  • JamgirlJamgirl Member Posts: 6

    Hi There @BarsinA
    Thanks for responding to my "dilema" :)
    Another user suggested I manually enter the dates since the year doesn't show in the drop down list and that works! Whew

  • raymond_rains2021raymond_rains2021 Member Posts: 2

    My wave account was missing a lot of data while using Chrome, but when I looked at it with MS Edge, everything is normal.

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