MBNA Canada

glover_mglover_m Member Posts: 13


Since the new connection page that was launched a few days ago, I can't find a link for my MBNA Canada account. This previously worked fine.

Any ideas?



  • DaveKDaveK Member Posts: 21

    Yeah, I've noticed the same thing. It also used to work for me, but the new provider doesn't seem to have a Canadian MBNA. TD is the card provider, so hopefully this gets remedied...

  • KapeKape Member Posts: 1

    Yup, MBNA Canada connection is missing after the integration migration. Most of my transactions are on that card so I hope they fix the connection soon.

  • glover_mglover_m Member Posts: 13

    Bump. Can we get an update from a mod?

  • glover_mglover_m Member Posts: 13

    Update from admins?>

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @glover_m @DaveK @Kape, thanks for reaching out here. Definitely appreciate your need for a response and I'd be happy to field that response for us. When Wave made the switch to the new banking data partner, there were several connections that were unable to be migrated. MBNA Canada, from what I can see, is one of those. For the time being, at least until we hear back from the banking partner about whether or not MBNA Canada will be a connection that will be facilitated any time soon, I'd recommend uploading your bank and credit card statements in order to consistently bring in that data. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience.

  • MegnaGamingMegnaGaming Member Posts: 6

    Any more updates on this? I also am waiting on a correctly working MBNA Canada connection (almost all of my connected accounts are through them). I see MBNA.ca was added, however, when I try logging in with my credentials it tells me it's unable to connect and the connection is down. I've almost completely abandoned using wave since the migration and hoping this gets rectified soon.

  • DaveKDaveK Member Posts: 21
    +1 to MegnaGaming's experience. I saw MBNA.ca show up, but also can't use my normal MBNA.ca credentials to sign in.
  • glover_mglover_m Member Posts: 13

    I'm assuming that it may take a few days before the MBNA.ca connection actually works. I know with TD Canada it took a little while before the connection was actually available.

    At least that's what I'm hoping!!

  • MegnaGamingMegnaGaming Member Posts: 6

    Just to update on this - the connection now goes to a second prompt asking if I would like the security code to send via text or phone call (showing just the area code and last for digits of my phone number) but then fails after making a selection. I think there's some progress being made - just hope this gets resolved before I need to submit my taxes. I _**really **_ wish to avoid dealing with the manual updates.

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey all! From what I'm seeing here, a connection with MBNA.ca is being fostered with our banking partner. We definitely appreciate the time you've taken to reach out about your experiences surrounding this - I ask that we move forwards and keep an eye on this together. I've got my fingers crossed that we'll see more success with MBNA soon.

  • MegnaGamingMegnaGaming Member Posts: 6

    Alright, another update. I was able to finally receive a text message code (and the call works too). Only one of my businesses were able to get a connection despite many attempts. This resulted in two new credit card accounts being created and they're displaying as USD currency. This created two new accounts (so I have the original accounts with CAD funds that are out of date and the new ones that are up to date but stuck as USD).

    Still progress at least!

  • DaveKDaveK Member Posts: 21
    Oh thanks for the update. I also just tried and got a text, but it rejected the code. Seeing the progress makes me hopeful!
  • MegnaGamingMegnaGaming Member Posts: 6

    I received another text code tonight around 7 PM (but hadn't been on Wave at all). Apparently MBNA resent the notification when Wave attempted to update the account. Because I didn't enter in the texted code (I wasn't online), the connection has failed. I'll update again when I find this to be working correctly!

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Thanks again for your updates, @MegnaGaming!

  • DaveKDaveK Member Posts: 21

    It's working! (But it's not :'( )

    So, I tested it again today - got my text verification code an got an "Credentials Verified"! Then it asked to import transactions, and all seemed great. Somehow, the systems thinks this is a US Dollar based account. SO, it created a new account and put USD transactions in it. So I had to delete that account and disconnect from MBNA again.

    So we're darn close, but in the wrong currency. This is the same problem I have with HomeTrust Visa (through ezCardInfo) see my other forum post @ https://community.waveapps.com/discussion/6837/home-trust-visa-canada#latest

    Perhaps that USD thing is more of a systemic issue, I don't know.

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    I think we're getting there, folks. I've been keeping an eye on the developments from our banking partners' ends, and I've seen a couple ticket submissions coming in from folks seeing that same USD transaction issue. This is something that my team has escalated back up to our banking partner once more, with responses from them as recent as March 16th, 2020, indicating that they're on it! So we might just need a little bit more time here, before we can finally close the case on this. I appreciate the update @DaveK, and @MegnaGaming I can see that you're still keeping an eye on this thread as well. Bear with us for just a bit longer, friends!

  • MegnaGamingMegnaGaming Member Posts: 6

    Thanks for the updates @ConnorM! It appears now the MBNA connection works correctly to connect AND it's in CA dollars so I was able to connect it back to the original account (thank god). The only problem now seems to be the connection "pauses" shortly after it's connected. SO CLOSE!

    Edit to the above! It appears the "paused connection" notification just simply doesn't go away once the account is reconnected (which doesn't really impact me in any way - I just dismissed the notification). So at least for me, this appears to be working again!!

    Thanks again for all your follow-up on this @ConnorM!

    edited March 18, 2020
  • DaveKDaveK Member Posts: 21

    Can confirm - working great! Thanks!

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭


    @MegnaGaming @DaveK Guys this is awesome to hear. I don't know about the two of you, but in these strange times, a bit of good news goes a long way for me! Again, thank you for all of your patience in this matter, and I'm so glad we could get it sorted. Wishing you the best.

  • DaveKDaveK Member Posts: 21

    Ok, so we're not entirely there yet. It seems I have to constantly "reconnect" the bank. It seems to work for about 6-12 hours and then the connection fails and I get the message:

    This connection isn't working
    Reconnect to continue from the last imported transaction.

    And a corresponding email that says my connection isn't working. This requires me to re-enter credentials and re-send the authorizing text message.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @DaveK

    In these cases it may be easier to reach out to our support team via ticket. They have a lot more insight into your account and can easily access data we may not have eyes on in the community.


  • MegnaGamingMegnaGaming Member Posts: 6

    Just wanted to verify that I'm also having the same issue as @DaveK - I'll get a code text from MBNA saying "use this code to access your account" every time Wave attempts to access MBNA and update my records. Since I'm not actually there to enter in a code, the security fails and the account needs to be manually reconnected.

  • EyeteaguyEyeteaguy Member Posts: 3

    I am still getting the reconnect error after successfully connecting it.
    In my case it has the wrong last four digits for my credit card. Is it trying to import the wrong account? I hope not.
    I have basically stopped using this card because of this issue.

  • JessGJessG Member Posts: 54 admin

    @Eyeteaguy @MegnaGaming I am seeing an update from our third party aggregator regarding this specific issue here as of April 13,2020. Essentially for MBNA specifically, the issues you're experiencing correspond to extra layers of MFA (multi-factor authentication) security placed by the bank which requires onetime passcodes (OTP) for every connection attempt with the financial institution. These types of persistent security codes aren't supported by our third party aggregator at this point so users will be unable to connect their MBNA accounts through Plaid while their persistent OTP setting is enabled.

    A support ticket has been raised by our team to our data aggregator. They've let us know that they're looking to identify these users at login, but due to the nature of the problem being a little bit more complicated an ETA for a total fix has not been made available at this point.

    If you have the ability to or are comfortable turning off your onetime passcodes (OTP) feature with your MBNA account, that could be a viable fix. However I never recommend removing any security features if they're available. Instead, I would suggest that you use the upload options we have available to bring your transactions into Wave while the connection is unavailable.

    CSV Uploader - https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/208621626-Upload-a-bank-or-credit-card-statement-in-csv-format

    Wave Connect - https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020768272-Wave-Connect-Easily-import-and-export-data-with-Wave-s-Google-Sheets-add-on-

  • DaveKDaveK Member Posts: 21

    @JessG thank you very much for the responsiveness and transparency on this. Really appreciate you passing on what's happening under the hood here. Sounds like we have 2 viable paths at the moment:

    1. Use a CSV of Wave Connect upload process; or
    2. "Reauthorize the connection" to MBNA each time you want to do an upload - which is relatively painless

    Looking on MBNA's website, it does seem like you can turn off OTP. The options are:

    • Only when we want to confirm your identity
    • Every time you log in to our website
    • Every time you login to our app and our website

    I have "Only when we want to confirm your identity" checked - so it doesn't seem like we can "turn it off"

    And while maybe it's not perfect, it's super helpful. Thanks again!

    edited April 14, 2020
  • glover_mglover_m Member Posts: 13

    @DaveK said:
    @JessG thank you very much for the responsiveness and transparency on this. Really appreciate you passing on what's happening under the hood here. Sounds like we have 3 viable paths at the moment:
    1. Use a CSV of Wave Connect upload process
    2. "Reauthorize the connection" to MBNA each time you want to do an upload - which is relatively painless; or
    3. Turn of OTP on MBNA if one feels secure with that.

    Awesome. And while maybe it's not perfect, it's super helpful. Thanks again!

    I've just been doing #2 every time I want to update transactions from MBNA. Only takes a few minutes anyways so not a big deal.

  • DaveKDaveK Member Posts: 21

    Ok, so now it doesn't seem to detect that the updates are failing. I can no longer "reauthorize" the connection. I try turning it off, and turning it back on, and that doesn't work. I hoped that would cause a reauthorization cycle, but it doesn't. I know it's not just an update frequency thing, since it hasn't imported anything in 2 weeks. Any suggestions?

  • DaveKDaveK Member Posts: 21

    I've also noticed another problem. It seems to only import the details in the the "Snapshot view", which are items not yet on a statement. Items between the previous import, but on a statement, seem to not get imported.

  • EyeteaguyEyeteaguy Member Posts: 3

    I already have the option to Security code only when we want to confirm your identity. My issue is it never brings in the translations. It is trying to import the transactions and it is failing as its is trying to import someone else's account as the last four digits of the card are different from mine. Imagine if it actually brought in their transactions...

    I really did like your old system better. I could sync when I was ready and not have to wait.

    Since credit is cheap and there are lots of cards out there I just got another one.

    Not ideal but its done now.

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @DaveK! Are you able to provide further details about the 'snapshot view' for items that are importing? I'd be interested to hear more about what is going on here!

    Hi @Eyeteaguy! Thanks for reaching out to let us know. If there seems to be an issue with the connection the best bet would be to delete the connection from your Connected Accounts page and then re-add it.

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