
Links/URLs to Balance Sheet reports

SBenoitSBenoit Member Posts: 48 ✭✭

Hi, tax season is ramping up and one thing that is really frustrating is sharing URLs to custom reports we generate in Wave with our clients so they can see exactly what we're seeing, as we need to explain to them that 'Wave URLs don't work properly, so once you get to this link make sure you click X and Y'. This is especially a problem with links to Balance Sheet reports for a specific date because there is no URL parameter for the 'As of' date; frustrating for year-end work.

Because of this, and because there's no way to specify the view setting (Summary vs. Details), we have to explicitly instruct clients to make sure they click the right buttons and date ranges to see what we see. This wasn't an issue with the legacy Wave platform, as the balance sheet had URL parameters for dates and there was only one view type.

This is what a URL looks like for the balance sheet now:

https://next.waveapps.com/[business uid]/reports/balance-sheet

It should look like this:

https://next.waveapps.com/[business uid]/reports/balance-sheet?reportDate=[date]&viewType=[Summary|Details or 0|1]

Bonus: Add a compareDate parameter to show two balance sheets, similar to how Profit and Loss reports can compare data ranges.

The Profit and Loss and Cash Flow reports at least have parameters for dates, but like above it would be ideal to have a URL parameter to maintain the view of Summary or Details.

Thank you for your time!

PS: This is tangentially related to this discussion about filtered transactions URLs.

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