
Emails to Wave Owners/Users to include which account it relates to.

SBenoitSBenoit Member Posts: 48 ✭✭

This should be a slam dunk: simply add the applicable business name somewhere in the email subject and/or body, and make sure there's a link to the right place in Wave.

Currently, whenever Wave sends an email (for Payments by Wave notices and The Wave Team emails, possibly other emails to) it omits the name of the Wave business the message is applicable to. This is fine if you have just one Wave business in your profile, but for those with many businesses or accountants/bookkeepers that manage multiple clients, it's impossible for us to tell without knowing the business name whether it's a message we need to act on or not, so we have to look for a link (if one exists), click on it, log in, and see what business it follows to.

The best (worst?) example of this is when we get an email with the subject "A collaborator you invited has accepted" from welcome@. This email simply says:

A user you invited has accepted
A user you invited (email address) has accepted. They now have access to your business.

Thank you
The Wave Team

There's no mention of the business this message is applicable to, and no link to click on to go see the user management panel for said business. So if we needed to find out which business this user was invited to, we would have to go through each of the businesses under our Wave profiles until we find the listed email address.

A simple fix like this can save us a lot of work, especially when dealing with the ever-growing use of Payments by Wave.


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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @SBenoit! Thanks so much for reaching out here! That's a really solid point, and a really cool idea. I'm going to flag this with my teams for future consideration to the platform, and I appreciate you taking the time to reach out with this idea.

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    Smallbiz1Smallbiz1 Member Posts: 3

    A client invited me to collaborate a couple of days ago. I waited for more docs and therefore by the time I clicked on Join/Add I received an error (link expired) but somewhere I did put in a password somewhere and then received an email: A user you invited has accepted with my own email!!
    I am now concerned that my client can see MY finances. For some reason, I cannot access User Management in my profile so according to robot advice I cannot see if there is another profile to cancel it. What do do??

    edited January 24, 2020
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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Smallbiz1 . To confirm no one has access to your business, navigate to the Settings > Users page and it will display any users that are listed on your business. If you don't see anyone, no one has access to your account.

    To regain access to your client's account, get them to send you another invite email as it does expire every 24hours.

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    SBenoitSBenoit Member Posts: 48 ✭✭

    Just a quick update that I received another one of these mystery emails, with no indication which of the dozen companies in my profile it was associated with:

    No, I didn't add those contractors myself, one of my clients did. I appreciate getting these emails, but a bit of context would be helpful ;)

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