
Expense Receipts wrong date

PeatherPeather Member Posts: 1


Fairly new here. Apologies if this has been asked already.

I scanned a few expenses invoice with my phone using the Receipts app. I have reviewed the receipt by confirming the details and saving it (without paying extra attention). Now I just realized that there was a mistake on the date which was auto-populated by the app.

It seems that I cannot go back and edit the receipt and my best option would be to delete and retake another photo. Is there another way around this?



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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Peather! Thanks for reaching out. Uploading a receipt actually just automatically creates a transaction within your Accounting > Transaction page. You should be able to locate that transaction in order to edit the date! Otherwise, deleting and re-uploading is going to be your best bet, unfortunately.

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    LPG_Preschool_2020LPG_Preschool_2020 Member Posts: 5

    Hello, I just uploaded 20 or so receipts from Walmart and found the same issue.
    If the date is 06/07/20 the transaction is recorded day/month/year.
    If the date is 06/13/20 the transaction is recorded month/day/year. (Preferred default setting for US)
    Is there a way to select the default date format for uploaded receipts?

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @LPG_Preschool_2020

    My apologies you're having an issue with this. It might be that our OCR (optical character recognition) did not pick up your Walmart receipts properly. This might happen from time to time with certain fields on a receipt.

    I would recommend trying to upload these again and change the dates manually when you go to upload your transactions.

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