
EASY and useful suggestion for the Dashboard dropdown menu - Mobile and Desktop

LaurenMLaurenM Member Posts: 22 ✭✭

I have a suggestion for Your Dashboard that will make it easier for us users in the interim while you work on a universal app OR while you make mobile more friendly:
Please add one or two or three DROPDOWN MENU item(s) in the Dashboard in "Create a new..."
1. Expense
2. Income
3. Transaction
(See the enclosed photos from my desktop version. (Ignore the graph - I just started using the account on Dec 31, so there is no data before 1/31/19). You can clearly see the current dropdown menu, and the relative size of the button to the 'real estate' on the screen).
Please also make the "Create a new" button BIGGER so our fingers can hit the button (and the dropdown menu) easier.
These suggestions will be helpful for us folks using Mobile to easily get to the Transaction pages faster, especially if we don't use the Receipt app because the Receipt app isn't currently being updated. Without changing the dropdown button, it takes several clicks in really tiny text to get to the Transactions page to record a transaction.
I know that this is an easy coding fix because I have coded websites before.
I REALLY love your desktop interface: clean and easy to see in the Transactions. But there should be a one-click interface to the Transactions page, on the Desktop and especially in Mobile.
Please feel free to contact me offline if your developers/coders have any questions about my suggestions. I also have photos and video of me trying to click on my smartphone due to the very tiny text and links.
Thank you,

edited January 13, 2020 in Mobile Feature Ideas
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