
Invoice API

ManishPatelManishPatel Member Posts: 12

Hello Team,

I'm building a WordPress plugin where I'd want to fetch and save the invoice from Wave to WordPress. I could find the GrapghQL endpoints like customer and product but I couldn't find such endpoint for invoices.

Can someone please guide me on how can I fetch the invoices?



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    RobVGRobVG Member Posts: 53 admin

    Hi @ManishPatel,

    We have updated the developer documentation examples to include an example on how to fetch invoices belonging to a specific business. See https://developer.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038426192. Similar to customer and product, you must ask for the invoice data for a specific business.

    There are some other invoice operations available, like invoiceCreate and invoiceSend. We do not yet have an invoicePatch to update an invoice. There is no ETA to share at this time, sorry.

    Please note that this functionality is not available to all businesses yet. Only where a business is isClassicInvoicing: false will these operations work. Internally, Wave is undertaking a data migration to move all invoicing data to a newer system which this API uses. All new users will automatically use the new system and existing users are slowly being moved over.


    edited January 14, 2020
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    vu_llcvu_llc Member Posts: 0

    Would be great to see the invoice edit capability implemented soon as it would save a lot of time updating invoice/order statuses which would make Wave even more powerful for WooCommerce sites

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