
Stop Wave from sending automated emails for overdue invoices

rahimthepharmacistrahimthepharmacist Member Posts: 1

Wave seems to be automatically sending invoice reminders to my customers who have overdue invoices. One was sent this morning at 5am, saying it was from me. It was seen as rude, and I want to know how to prevent this from happening in the future.



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    volkswagnervolkswagner Member Posts: 14

    Yes please let us know how to stop the nuisance.
    I've had complaints from customers about this.

    I never realized automatic reminders were sent. I don't think they were sent in the past until one day I manually sent several reminders for overdue invoices.

    Please respond with a fix.

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    volkswagnervolkswagner Member Posts: 14

    I believe there is a bug in the system. I never had reminders set to go out.
    On or around 1/17/2020 I use the button "send reminder" on several invoices in
    the Invoice list page.

    I'm confident the act of doing this, changed my invoice settings to check the box "automatically send reminders 3, 7, and 14 days"

    Only the invoices created after this date had the reminders automatically set.
    Please fix this bug, as it can really cause a lot of unwanted reminders to be sent, unknowingly.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there, this is not a bug but a feature that was released in mid January. You can disabled this under Settings > Invoice customization.

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    williamowilliamo Member Posts: 1

    I continue to have problems with automatic overdue email reminders. Last month it sent overdue reminders and again this month. I have unchecked the reminder settings, but it seems to sends overdue reminders according to, Invoice Settings - Default payment terms. If I have payment terms set for 30 days it automatically sends an overdue email after 30 days. If I'm late with my payment entry and the customer has paid, they don't like to receive an overdue notice. Is there an override for this automatic overdue reminder email, or is it a bug?

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    JustanotherclueJustanotherclue Member Posts: 4
    I'm having the same problem. I didn't notice this before but today a client who owed me nothing received a reminder just because I was storing a balance for later work on their invoice.
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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @williamo and @Justanotherclue! I'd love to know a little more around both of your particular situations so that we can best help solve this. William, when you had unchecked those reminder settings, had some of those invoices already been sent out already? The unchecking of the box does not retroactively wipe any scheduled invoice reminders, at present. You would need to navigate into those invoices from your Sales > Invoices page and turn those reminders off manually there. Clue, can you give us a little more context around your situation as a whole? Thanks for the help, guys, would love to make Wave a better platform together with your input.

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    @BarsinA said:
    Hey there, this is not a bug but a feature that was released in mid January. You can disabled this under Settings > Invoice customization.

    Was there any kind of communication with current users about this change? I never would have noticed if I wasn't on the receiving end of our invoices in my roll at my "day job". The reminders were being sent out for recurring invoices that I hadn't even approved yet, nor sent. Frustrating!!!

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭


    We did notify our users by email as the feature was rolled out around early to mid December of 2019. Our apologies that this update may have affected your business with your clients. Let me know if you have any questions regarding turning off this feature if you're having further troubles.

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey all,

    Thanks for your ongoing patience here! My development teams have worked to make this process easier for everyone trying to get rid of those previously-scheduled overdue reminders. When you go to toggle those reminders off, there will now be a popup that will look like this:

    Clicking the button with the red box around it will clear all scheduled reminders, both going forwards, and for invoices that have already been sent. We hope that this helps your workflow with regards to managing these reminders.

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    BluekableBluekable Member Posts: 3

    Hey there @ConnorM

    Is this feature meant to be available to all users or only premium users?

    I don't see either the checkbox or the popup you mention in my settings->invoice customization menu at all.


    @ConnorM said:
    Hey all,

    Thanks for your ongoing patience here! My development teams have worked to make this process easier for everyone trying to get rid of those previously-scheduled overdue reminders. When you go to toggle those reminders off, there will now be a popup that will look like this:

    Clicking the button with the red box around it will clear all scheduled reminders, both going forwards, and for invoices that have already been sent. We hope that this helps your workflow with regards to managing these reminders.

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    CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi @Bluekable , thanks for reaching out! This feature is available for all users; the software functions the same for all users. If you're not seeing this option, would you be able to send a screenshot of what you are seeing? Can you confirm that you're on the web app (rather than a mobile app)? Some additional context would best enable us to help out!

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    BluekableBluekable Member Posts: 3

    Hi There @CallieP ,

    I have attached screen shots of all available settings on the settings->invoice customization menu.

    I am on the web app.

    Let me know if you require any more specific context.


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    CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi @Bluekable , thanks for providing this! Hm, it looks like the screenshots are in a different order than things appear as on my account; can you confirm if this is the case? On my account, the invoice reminders settings are under Invoice Settings and above Estimate Settings. If you're not seeing them as an option there, please let me know and we can go from there.

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    edward_46edward_46 Member Posts: 1

    hi wavers
    My screen is the same as bluekable, no options to disable sending out email reminders. It does however did send a reminder to myself though once 30 days is up

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    contact_ILcontact_IL Member Posts: 3

    This happened to me today, it was sent to my best client. They always pay on time. This should not be automatic without our knowledge. I did not set up those reminders to be sent, there was no way for me to know that messages would be sent on my behalf. Please don't do this automatically. It is embarrassing to have to apologize to clients for software rudeness. While it is a nice option to have, it should never be automatic. I have one client that deserves reminders, everybody else pays on time.

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    BluekableBluekable Member Posts: 3

    Hi @CallieP ,

    Sorry - I think that my screen shots came through in an odd order - however they do display ALL content in the "Invoice Customization" page that I am able to view. I have given a written explanation below of the order in which the sections in the screenshots appear.

    By the way I have tried performing a hard reload clearing the cache to no avail.

    I have checked and can confirm that there is no section for "Invoice Reminder Settings". I have the following headings as part of the "Invoice Customization" section: "General Settings", "Invoice Settings", "Estimate Settings" and "Invoice Columns Settings". They are listed in that order and there is nothing in between "Invoice Settings" and "Estimate Settings".


    edited June 17, 2020
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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @edward_46 @Bluekable @contact_IL

    At this time the invoice reminder disable master setting is only available for Wave Payments users in North America at this time. My apologies that this feature is not available to our rest of world users. Since our Wave Payments users required this feature to collect funds in a timely manner we needed a feature that allowed them to turn it on or off on a master level to collect their funds.

    Our team is aware that users overseas are interested in this however we have yet to implement this. We appreciate you reaching out about this and all +1's on this feature are welcome in the community.

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    AltaafAltaaf Member Posts: 2

    I have read the above thread and it seems that you cannot turn off invoice reminders if you are not a Wave Payments user (based in South Africa).
    Is there any other way to stop these reminders , do I stop invoicing from Wave and go manual again?

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Altaaf! When you're initially setting the invoice up, there's an option during the sending step of the invoice that you would need to tick off in order for these invoice reminders to be sent to your customers in the first place. To prevent these reminders from happening, you'd just have to untick those!

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    AltaafAltaaf Member Posts: 2

    Hi Connor, thanks so much for your response. Just to clarify, If I un-select this option will the software still send the invoice to the customer but not send any reminder?

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    @Altaaf Happy to help! Absolutely, yes, that invoice will still be sent to the customer as long as you choose to send it out.

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    SteveASteveA Member Posts: 2

    @ConnorM Quick, easy question on this topic, I have a reputable customer that assures me their check was mailed. I believe them. Given the pandemic and politics, the mail is very slow right now. I don't want to record a payment from them that I don't have in-hand. But, I also don't want to continue to nag them when I am confident the check is on the way.

    Is there a simple way to turn off one notification to one customer after the invoice has already been created, sent and they've received the first late notification?


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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @SteveA

    I think the best method for this is to follow this guide on Bookkeeping Undeposited Checks. You can mark the invoice as paid as soon as your client has confirmed that they sent you a check, then use a "money in transit" account to mark it as paid until the funds actually land!

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    Matt_826153849Matt_826153849 Member Posts: 1
    This is a dangerous feature and should be opt-in instead of opt-out. I just got an email from my customer in reply to one of these and immediately turned off this terrible feature. I wish this hadn’t happened.
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