

  • HuntsvillePostHuntsvillePost Member Posts: 3

    I'll second this -- where did it go? (I've got deposit transactions from a point-of-sale, and need to merge them with the transactions downloaded from the bank account.)

  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi, thanks for posting! It looks like the content you are viewing in this article is referencing an older version of Wave. You are using our new, upgraded platform. The merge functionality does not yet exist here. You can find more information regarding updates here.

    As a follow-up, are you interested in the merge functionality for receipt management only or also with respect to your invoices?

  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    For management of invoice payments, I'd recommend taking a look at this workflow.

  • tkmoult Messitkmoult Messi Member Posts: 2

    I was just interested in receipt management. For now I've just created an account just for receipts. That is the "lazy" method. If I followed the merge method, I would have to find the two transactions each time and merge them. I think the merge method is better and more robust method, but I know I wont keep up with it. Basically I'm looking to make small business tax data collection easier.

  • Ashlea RempelAshlea Rempel Member Posts: 1

    why has this not been resolved???

    when will it be resolved. current tax law requires that receipts be held for 7 years. In an audit the auditor will request to see the bank statement showing where the money came from for a payment and the receipt showing the actual purchase of a payment. Right now if I enter a receipt and that same amount is picked up on my bank statement it showing as a duplicate transaction. It is absolutely unacceptable for an accounting program not to have the ability to merge and to be unable to recognize duplicates. If there is no fix for this I will be unable to use the software unable to recommend it resulting in a bad review. I have opened a ticket number about this I have followed up on that ticket number and yet I have zero response on this. It is disheartening that customer service is so slow to respond to inquiries. You are serving business owners. You are serving a clientele that requires things to work when they need it to work. It is not okay for three business days to have passed without any response to a question. Well the software is free the way that things have gone so far gives me no motivation to change my invoicing and payments which are paid services through to wave so far this has not been a useful service

  • AdrianAdrian Member Posts: 1

    I would like to pile on here in requesting a merge feature for the receipts. I am using a debit card and when I add the receipt to the account I then have the transaction doubled up.

    I will use the previously suggested workaround of making another Receipts account until this is resolved.

  • 1instrument1instrument Member Posts: 1

    I am new to Wave, and unless this feature gets added in the next two weeks I will be forced to leave :( If I pay a deposit on an order I want it to only show once, not as a payment towards a bill AND a bank transaction... I hope this gets sorted. Everything else is working fine for me.

  • ThomasThomas Member Posts: 2

    I definitely agree with many points in this forum. I am also a new member, and this feature seems crucial. The receipt and transactions features work wonderfully, but yet they do not communicate. Surely there must be a way to either merge transactions or better yet for the receipts to intelligently link to item in transactions that have the same amount.

  • AnAverageJoAnAverageJo Member Posts: 5

    I’m with everyone above. As I mentioned in another thread, I would like every document related to a transaction be attached to the transaction. Merging should be a no brainer.

  • AnAverageJoAnAverageJo Member Posts: 5

    FYI The link above to “This Workflow” ends in a page not found error.

  • EarliasEarlias Member Posts: 1

    In agreement with previous comments, the current recommendation is to delete the transaction from the banking link so as to maintain a single record for the expense. The merge function or some kind of link that preserves the fidelity of banking transactions as well as the image of the receipt is important to us. Hope that your team can take a look at bringing this functionality back.

  • reinvanderhorstreinvanderhorst Member Posts: 2

    I ma a new customer and was very happy when I start scanning my receipts. However, when I uploaded my bank statement I got duplicates and the solution was either to remove the bank transactions (why do I upload them if I have to remove them later?) or merge them. Echo all the sentiments above but have not seen a response from Wave since December which concerns me. Another question I have it means when transactions get merged, does it create a journal in the back? Another issue I found is Supplier invoices, why not scanning a supplier invoice rather than creating one?

  • pcsmartspcsmarts Member Posts: 6

    Hi everyone, first post here. I would love to import my receipts, however I found that it would duplicate the transactions. This scared me and so Ive stopped doing it. Is there a way to do it correctly?

    I have seen Merge but I cant see how that works.
    Many thanks

  • James_HudsonJames_Hudson Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hey guys,

    While it isn't currently possible to merge two transactions in the Transactions page, we're in the process of building out a more robust version of the "Merge" feature from previous versions of Wave.

    In the meantime, when posting receipts and applying payments to invoices and bills, we recommend simply deleting the bank-imported version of any duplicated transactions, leaving the Wave-created transaction to account for the income or expense.

    Thanks for your patience while we build out this feature, and keep your eyes peeled for this, as well as a number of other improvements to the Transactions page!

  • rilivriliv Member Posts: 2

    @james Hudson

    Awesome, when will the feature be released ? we can't wait for that thank you very much

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @riliv.

    I'm happy to hear that you're eager to see this feature to be rolled out! I promise you that we're as excited as you are!

    I don't have a timeline to give at this moment. All I can say is that our engineers are hard at work.

    edited March 19, 2018
  • PascalPascal Member Posts: 3

    Scenario: receipt in US$, statement in CA$. In this case, you cant delete the BANK statement transaction because it has the proper currency AND you cant delete the receipt because of the scan. They also won't merge. What is your solution for this kind of scenario?

  • leahjo5leahjo5 Member Posts: 2

    I'll add to this thread that this is an important feature to have if you're processing receipts. We need to keep our receipts and track HST amounts. Also would be good for this feature to account for the fact that at restaurants the detailed receipt often has a different amount than the total processed by the bank- due to tip. But we need to keep the detailed one on file obviously as it has the HST information- the merge feature currently won't allow you to merge receipts with a different total than the amount processed by the bank.


  • tim_gullivertim_gulliver Member Posts: 1

    I'm sorry - how is it possible that this feature is A. removed, before a replacement is not available, B. in the development workflow but has no timeline attached to it? Sorry to complain about a free service, but this really does seem like a crucial feature for any book-keeping software. Thanks, Tim

  • PennyPenny Member Posts: 2

    @Alexia Any update on a time of the new release?I just started this for a client and really hope to see the feature back soon. I was so excited when I saw it in the training video..... then found out it is not available.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Penny.

    First of all, thank you for vouching for us to your clients! It means the world to us. If you're an accountant or bookkeeper, let me know and I can give you a Wave Pro badge.

    I don't have a timeline for this feature just yet, but we are working hard to bring it to Wave as soon as we can. We want to be absolutely sure it won't affect the integrity of your data before we do. We haven't forgotten, but it isn't ready yet.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Beanorama

    Thank you for your feedback. I empathize with your concern and frustration. I hope I can clarify a few things.

    Duplications happen when the payment for an invoice, for example, is entered manually, and the user has an active bank connection. Recording a payment to an invoice creates a transaction in Wave, which will then appear doubled if you are also importing transactions from your bank account. The solution, for now, is to assign the transaction from your bank account as payment for an invoice, instead of entering a payment from the Invoices page.

    We are looking at ways to prevent these duplications and have them dealt with in the future, but those features are still in development. Our priority here is to make sure that our merging feature doesn't hurt anyone's data integrity once it's launched.

    I can promise that Wave agrees with you on that second paragraph. Offering a free software has never been an excuse for us. A limitation at times, maybe, but not an excuse. We're committed to offering great free products, doing so is part of our stated vision. Wave was born from the idea that anyone brave enough to launch themselves into business should have access to great accounting tools, regardless of their starting budget.

    Our paid services are entirely different tools, not quality-of-life accounting features locked behind a paywall, and there are no plans to change that. We're dedicated to making Wave a free product first and foremost.

  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    @Beanorama @Alexia It's fairly clear in the response, but I'd also like to add that I fully agree with you that the word "duplication" is a red flag when it comes to considering accounting systems. In this case, you might consider "redundancy" instead. This is because what's happening is not the software breaking or being buggy and creating multiple entries per transaction, rather that two systems are exhibiting expected behaviour and (not yet) working together as seamlessly as we'd like.

    When you add a payment to an invoice, Wave creates a transaction for an invoice payment to save you the second step of creating this entry. If you have also connected your bank account, a deposit will import corresponding to this invoice as well. Ideally, I think, you'd have one of two outcomes: either the integration is improved so that the transactions are matched and automatically reconciled, or Wave creates enough of your transactions within its own system that connecting your bank account to accounting becomes unnecessary. We'd like to make this as simple a process as possible, and each day our teams work hard to understand how best to do that and then to push those solutions forward.

    For now, in this case, we've proposed manual workarounds as @Alexia said. We understand this is not ideal.

    Finally, thanks again for your feedback. I want to stress again that we do not paywall any advanced functionality. Our goal is to deliver a high-quality, user-friendly system and support of that system to small business owners, regardless of whether you opt into paid services.

    Have a nice weekend! :)

    edited May 11, 2018
  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    @Beanorama your last comment was not deleted, so it is likely that it was caught by one of our anti-spam filters for some reason. I would be happy to take a look.

    We do not mean to suggest that Wave is not designed to help you keep your books organized and to reconcile your transactions, rather that there are some limitations to the way that some other functions currently integrate with your transactions page, particularly if you have an account connected for importing transactions, and so some manual work to manage these entries right now. This is not a limitation we are ignoring, but rather something we are continually working to improve. We understand the convenience (even necessity) of saving time by automating these types of functions too, and this informs the work that our developers are doing.

    I'll tag @zuza and @JustinA here in case they'd like to be a part of the conversation.

    edited May 14, 2018
  • ManiMani Member Posts: 82 ✭✭✭

    Thank you to all Wavers using our software and tools to run your business. For those of you that are on the newer, upgraded platform of Accounting in Wave, some of the missing features vs. the older platform have been filled. I'm happy to report that one of them is the ability to Merge transactions. Please give it a try and let us know how you like it.

  • ConradConrad Member Posts: 1

    @Charlotte said:
    For management of invoice payments, I'd recommend taking a look at this workflow.

    Is there a workflow you recommend for matching scanned receipts with credit card transactions?

  • ManiMani Member Posts: 82 ✭✭✭

    @Beanorama: we'd love that feedback. Please feel free to share with us right here, as our product and design teams will be monitoring various threads for this input.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Conrad and @Beanorama!

    @Conrad, with the new Merge feature now active, you can just select both transactions and click on Merge. The transactions will be turned into a single transaction then.

    @Beanorama I'm happy to hear that! I'll be honest, I was dancing with joy last week when it was launched. I feel like the new feature does a really good job with choosing which side of the merge to prioritize for transaction name, categorization etc. Thanks for sharing your feedback on the interface, as well!

  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    @Beanorama do you see this option on your Transactions page?
    It should be usable if you select two transactions with the same amount.

  • Just_LurkingJust_Lurking Member Posts: 31 ✭✭

    I agree with @Beanorama that the new Merge feature is not very discoverable (or, as of right now, documented or communicated).

    I would not have known about it if I hadn't been following this thread, and the only reason I was following the thread is I had searched for a "Merge" function a while back and had seen @Mani's comment that a merge feature was being worked on.

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