Merge Transactions



  • SophiaSophia Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    Hi @Beanorama @Just_Lurking these are great points. I can't speak to any design update, but we'll be updating our Help Centre content to reflect the merge function more clearly. Thanks, as always, for your detailed feedback!

  • Just_LurkingJust_Lurking Member Posts: 31 ✭✭

    That is useful to know, thank you @Beanorama.

  • ManiMani Member Posts: 82 ✭✭✭

    @Beanorama and @Just_Lurking: our teams are definitely listening. We'll take your feedback about discoverability, documentation, and poor categorization seriously.

    You're right that merge and transfer can feel synonymous for inter-account legs of the same transaction. We can potentially improve here as well, given "Transfer" could sound like (to some folks) that you're going to cause a new transaction to be created to represent the other leg.

  • EdelEdel Member Posts: 2

    @Mani, where can we get instructions on using the Transaction Merge feature. I can't find it.

  • ManiMani Member Posts: 82 ✭✭✭

    @Charlotte said:
    @Beanorama do you see this option on your Transactions page?
    It should be usable if you select two transactions with the same amount.

    @Edel, checkout this image from Charlotte earlier in this thread.

  • EdelEdel Member Posts: 2

    @Mani said:

    @Charlotte said:
    @Beanorama do you see this option on your Transactions page?
    It should be usable if you select two transactions with the same amount.

    @Edel, checkout this image from Charlotte earlier in this thread.

    @Mani, Thanks! That solves my problem. I was trying to add a receipt to an existing transaction. For now I have to add the receipt as a new transaction.
    Being able to merge a transaction created by a receipt that I upload to another transaction imported automatically from my credit card account is a decent workaround. Thanks for adding this feature!

    A better solution would be If you could add the capacity to attach/upload a receipt to an existing transaction (something I believe has been requested by others). Hope you can find a way to add this capability.

    edited May 25, 2018
  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    I'm happy to hear that, @Edel, and thank you for your feedback!

  • rilivriliv Member Posts: 2

    awesome thank you very much @Mani and @Charlotte, I am very amazed with your response in delivering new feature for the users. Love you Wave Accounting <3 now we can enjoy the merge feature

  • doreenwavedoreenwave Member Posts: 1

    I am using this very same feature. In the old version, when I merge a bill to a receipt, the copy of the uploaded file could still be seen as an attachment to my transaction in the list under Accounting -> Transactions. With the new merge version, I am unable to find a way to see my uploaded receipt document. Is this feature something which is still being developed? Or am I missing something?

  • ZeldaZelda Member Posts: 10

    I tried merging a transaction with a bank transaction and it wouldn't let me because the are in different accounts. Can I merge my bank account with one of my other accounts, or do I need to disconnect the bank and reconnect it and then connect it with the other account. I don't want my bank to show up as its own account.

  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    @Zelda if they're really the same transaction, then you should be marking each duplicate as the same account. What happened in real-life with this transaction? If it was deposited into the bank account which imported the bank transaction into Wave, simply mark the other transaction as the same account, and you'll be good to go.

    @doreenwave sorry about the delay replying to this! This was actually an unexpected issue at the time that you posted this, and has since been resolved.

  • ZeldaZelda Member Posts: 10

    I ended up disconnecting the bank account (and archiving it as it just seems easier to balance everything manually. I don't remember what the real-life transaction was.

    Another area of confusion has been the invoices. I have a choir and charge a certain fee. Most people pay up front, but some are paying monthly (for 4 months). I created different invoices - both recurring, single, and ones (that I liked best) that showed the full amount and the monthly amount coming out. What I don't like is that when I want to send the one that shows everything, Wave says that the total is due, rather than the monthly. In the end, I got rid of those and am just using the recurring invoices, though those do not show as much details like the total, the monthly, and the balance due.

  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Thank you for the feedback @Zelda ! Could you share a little bit more insight into how you work with choir members? How many pay (roughly) are paying upfront versus other frequencies? Do you add notes or other documentation to your invoices to clarify the payment terms for your customers?

  • ZeldaZelda Member Posts: 10

    Most (6) paid up front for the entire season. Only 3 people are paying monthly.
    When I sent the invoice that had the total amount due and the monthly unit coming out, it showed everything, which was nice. However, when I sent the invoice the little message said the total amount was due, I added a note in the invoice message that let the recipient know that "even though the above message" (which I could not edit) "says the total amount is due, you only owe the monthly amount of $__, " to try to clarify.

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