Bulk Editing of Vendors

Wave needs a way to bulk edit the vendors for multiple transactions. Currently, you need to open every transaction and change every vendor individually. There really is no excuse for not having this. Also, Wave should learn and autofill the vendor for future transactions like it does with the categories.
Hey @MAGAman
Thanks for this great idea. Our team is always scouring the thread for future update ideas. When our users wanted bulk account edits, we actioned that. Hoping this post can get more traction.
Same idea as @MAGAman except I have a need to bulk edit customers/contacts for multi-transactions.
Situation is I buy material/product using a credit account (e.g. Lowe's Accounts Receivable). When it's billing time I have to open every trans and add a customer so I can use a report, like G/L, which allows you to filter by customer/contact. Not sure if there's another way to do this, but in the "Purchases-> Vendors" section I don't see a way to upload the vendor transactions...
Hey @MikeRoch! Thanks for giving us context around how this would affect your business! Hoping that we can get some more traction in this post to show that many Wave users would find this beneficial!
Apart from that, it's a great system!
Totally agree bulk-assigning of vendors to transactions is a must-have. Ideally, Wave would auto-assign the vendor based on the description. Ie, all my Amazon purchases have "Amazon" in the description, which is also what id' name the vendor.
Put another way: allow the creation of rules so that "x" in the description gets assigned to vendor "x".
@ConnorM @BarsinA Can't encourage you and your team to implement something like this strongly enough. It's pretty much the only thing stopping me from ditching Intuit and coming here, which I'd dearly love to do. But not at the cost of having to manually assign a vendor to 1,000s of transactions which all share the same description!
I would like to be able to track spending on different projects. The only way I see to do this in wave is to make 'vendors' with the names of my different projects and then add a vendor to each transaction. This is tedious because each transaction needs to be done individually, so bulk adding would be a huge improvement!
If there is another way to track different project spending as well, I would love to know how!
Hey @JoshRobbins , I'm afraid that Wave doesn't support project accounting/tracking. The workaround that you've found for it is actually a good one, but you're right in saying that it can be a little tedious.
Yeah, the inability to bulk edit customer, vendors, descriptions etc. is quite annoying. While I like the Wave UI, the drawbacks are begging to add up.
Just wanted to further encourage Wave to allow for bulk editing of vendors and customers, and to auto assign vendors (along with categories) for recurring expenses. These are standard in Quickbooks. Thanks for your help!
Almost 12 months later - still an issue.
Yeah...I thought that Wave would add more attributes to the "Bulk" Edit functionality to Transactions. It appears as if I can only Categorize a group of transactions and not add a Vendor. Since I like to see with whom I am spending the most money, I have to add the Vendor for each Transaction. I don't believe I am alone in this regard
It seems like it would be a simple enhancement to the "bulk" Edit feature that would save me quite a bit of time.
I am new to Wave but I completely agree with these recommendations, especially the one that will allow for other items to be bulk edited (i.e. vendors, notes, customers, descriptions) and for them to be auto recognized/auto-filled or at least be able to set up rules to have this done automatically. It would save a whole lot of time editing each and every transaction.
Hi @LCRivera_2021 , thanks so much for taking the time to let us know that this is something that would be helpful to you! Our Developers are always looking through our Community threads for feedback and ideas from our users. Feel free to let us know more about how this feature can improve your workflow!
The first post on this thread was 15 months ago.
Jan 30, 2020 admins tell us "great idea. Our team is always scouring the thread for future update ideas." Fast forward to March 5, 2021, and we hear essentially the same thing, "Our Developers are always looking through our Community threads for feedback and ideas from our users"
This should have been implemented when you added customers and vendors to the system. This is vital for me in dealing with labor contractors for 1099s. I have to go back and individually edit over 40 entries. What an absolutely miserable undertaking.
Please implement.
Bulk editing vendors would be very helpful, as it is a bit tedious to open every transaction just to add a vendor. A work-around I use is a bit messy, but is may help others who find it more important to work in bulk. I use "Expense- Vendor" to separate out the vendors in a specific category. For example, we are a food service establishment, so we have "Food/Supplies- Vendor A", "Food/Supplies- Vendor B", etc. I do the same with Accounts Receivables (e.g., "Accounts Receivable- Uber", "Accounts Receivable- GrubHub"). This is a time saver for those organizations that pay every day. When I need to know how much we spend on food/supplies in general, I add up each line. Likewise, I can separate out how much we are paid on each platform without having to update each individual transaction when bookkeeping. It would just be better to have multiple options when editing.
Bulk editing of Vendors on transactions is just as important as bulk editing of Category. As a business being able to see how much has been spent with each vendor, etc. is crucial for planning and oversight of the spend. When will bulk editing of Vendors on transactions be implemented?
So....still not a priority? This is definitely not fun as I'm transferring over my Quickbooks and have to manually update each line item so I can see my spend by vendor.
Yes, we need a way to bulk edit the Description (or Vendor). Right now in my Transactions I see a lot of RECURRING PAYMENT AUTHORIZED... When I highlight it I can see it says RECURRING PAYMENT AUTHORIZED ON 01/23 WOOCOMMER 6*F******HTTPSWORDPRES CA S**************** CARD **** . I don't want to highlight each individual transaction in order to see who the Vendor is. I need a way to say If you see this phrase "WOOCOMMER" in the description, change the Description to "WOOCOMMERCE". Or alternatively a place/column where I can bulk enter a vendor name so I can see it in transaction and reports
wave, please consider adding the feature to bulk assign vendors...it's a lot of work to do it manually. thank you
2 years and no updates! I love you Wave but come on - the people want this feature!
I have one account dedicated solely to one customer at a time, for large construction projects. This means literally thousands of transactions with one customer. Click-click-type-click, X THOUSANDS. I do the same for Vendors, but not this extreme. How is Vendor/Customer/misc Bulk Edit not a given feature?
Come on man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please add this feature ASAP. Is this a joke?

PLEASE add this ability to bulk edit vendors on transactions. This is desperately needed