
Refund an invoice and remove overdue status

satishsatish Member Posts: 1


i have received a payment from customer in my bank account.
then i recorded the payment against the invoice and the status is paid.
now the customer requested for the refund and we are ready to refund as it is not utilized and there is a small bank charges loss . but we are ready to refund the complete amount to customer and we are ready to bear the bank charges.
i used refund of invoice option and did the refund.
now the problem is invoice shows overdue. how to handle this.


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    TeepartyTeeparty Member Posts: 3

    I have the same question. The refunded transaction now puts that invoice as overdue. How does Wave not have a process to handle refunds end-to-end??

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    KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hi @Teeparty!

    The recommend method in Wave, to stop the invoice from showing as overdue, is to write it off. The instructions on how to do so can be found here :smile:

    edited May 13, 2021
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    tplusfivetplusfive Member Posts: 4

    This was too complicated for me. We charge up front for a photo shoot, and when it was cancelled we refunded the charge, but there was no loss for us. I just set the line item on the invoice to $0 and made a note on the invoice as to why. The charge and refund still show on the invoice so I have the history. But the invoice status change to Paid as soon as I zero'd out the amount. I think this will work out for all aspects including the taxes.

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