The final straw - leaving Wave

bd3517bd3517 Member Posts: 8

I am intensely frustrated. After spending hundreds of dollars in consulting and dozens of hours setting things up, Wave has become unusable over the last year and there's nothing I can do about the fact that I paid up front for functionality that was later removed.
First, forwarding inline receipts was silently removed. I have had a todo item to redo hundreds of emails into PDFs and then send each PDF in a separate email. Months of howling by users has not led to this insane workflow being fixed. Wave's responses have been sneaky and evasive on why this was done silently.
Now, on top of that, my business credit card doesn't import any more and no ETA on it getting fixed. Again, cue hundreds of user complaints about key functionality going away with no fix.
Both these functions are the time consuming ones small business owners want automated, not with clumsy and time consuming workarounds. Making this easy is the reason this kind of software exists!
I took some time today and found out that both features things work just fine in Quickbooks for freelancers and Xero and the year start seems a good time to reboot my accounting software.
A warning to others, do not trust Wave. I am so annoyed I paid up front for consulting vs a monthly fee and now need to redo everything. I'm done. What a waste of time and money.

edited March 31, 2021 in Using Wave


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @bd3517 , I sincerely apologize about the frustration you're facing and I'll try to address your problems in order.

    First, Wave never fully supported forwarding receipts. We've always mentioned that forwarding receipts is not supported by the software but there was a hole that allowed some users to do this. With some new updates to our Receipts product, this hole was patched inadvertently thus fully unsupporting the ability to forward receipts. To be clear, this was not by any means intentional on our end, but we do continue to stand by the fact that we have never fully supported forwarding receipts.

    Next, our switch to a different third party data aggregator for bank connections was to create a better experience for our users overall. Based on your situation, this can be difficult to understand due to the complications that you're having with the connection and I totally understand that. Although there are users who have lost functionality with the switch, there are many users who have also gained functionality that they didn't have with our previous aggregator. I do sincerely apologize that this has made your bookkeeping more time-consuming and that I don't have an immediate solution for you, but our data aggregator is always adding additional support for new financial institutions and bank connections to continue to improve this experience.

    We're working hard to make this a better software for all of our users but at the end of the day, we want you to do what's right for your business so that you can run it in the way that is easiest for you. If you do have any further questions or there's anything else I can help with, please don't hesitate to let me know.

  • waxoxowaxoxo Member Posts: 3

    Just giving you a taste of what I am experiencing today from a Bank that is so well known in Canada. Phew...I am so much done with your software!

  • DDCWAPDDCWAP Member Posts: 5

    Whoops - I have a feeling maybe I shouldn't be starting to use Wave (moving from QBO). Are these bank connectivity "issues" permanent, or is this just a temporary problem?

  • DDCWAPDDCWAP Member Posts: 5

    PS - Emailing in receipts sounds like a great idea, so why remove it instead of improving it?

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @waxoxo, I'm sorry to see that you'd been having this issue, but I'm glad to see you were able to resolve it with our support team in a ticket.

    @DDCWAP, thanks for checking Wave out! Any of the bank connection failures we've seen are a little tricky to troubleshoot. Some are case-by-case failures to connect, which can be resolved with a little communication with our third party banking partner. Some are overarching failures between banks and our partner. Still others are, understandably, simple misunderstandings and can be fixed with a short conversation with our team. If you're experiencing a banking issue, I'd love to try to help! Let me know. As far as emailing in receipts goes, you can definitely still do so. The feature that is now removed is the forwarding of receipts to Wave. Improvements to the receipts system in general are definitely on our roadmap, and we appreciate your continued patience as we look to facilitate meaningful positive change internally.

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