
TeekTeek Member Posts: 23

Hi @AlexL @Mikeg @Brian

Is there a way for me to send an invoice receipt after a client has paid to send a complete receipt of the payment. by this i mean, i usually allocate a payment for different products to different accounts for the same invoice,

for example
i sell books A, B, & C. a customer orders all books A, B, & C
each book is treated as an account on its own, so when a customer pays the full invoice, i apportion the payment to each book account accordingly.. Now the issue is i don't want to send each receipt for each book account, i want to send the receipt as one complete invoice.

Please assist with this


  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Teek! Thanks for reaching out. Just to clarify here, when you say that each book is treated as an account on its own, do you have them set up as different businesses in Wave? If so, there isn't a way to combine the invoice/receipt. If they are set up as different businesses, Wave does not allow them to combine or cross over as each business should be treated as its own entity.

    Alternatively, do you have all 3 books set up under the same business with separate income accounts for each? If this is the case, you can send the invoice will all books on it and the income will be appropriately recorded to each separate account. Then you can send a receipt for all three books as one receipt after payment. If my understanding is incorrect please let me know.

  • TeekTeek Member Posts: 23
    Hi @EmmaP the latter is correct, they are under one business, separate income accounts. It is however not possible to send one recipient that captures or shows the entire invoice amount, I am only see an option of sending one receipt payment at at time, the only thing that is complete is the actual invoice which will be showing itemized apportioned payment on the invoice, which I think would confuse my clients to see a brake down of singular payments which make up the total invoice, when they actually made one full payment.

    I hope this makes sense.
  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Teek you are right in saying that the receipt would be created for each payment and not for each invoice. What this means is that if your customers are paying in parts, you would not be able to generate a receipt for the total after all payments are made. Are you able to explain what the intention is here? Would it be to provide the customer with proof that they no longer have any payments remaining on the invoice or to give them a way for them to track the expenses that they have made payment for?

  • TeekTeek Member Posts: 23

    My issue here is not with clients who make installments, but rather those who make full payment but i have to apportion the items in the invoice into individual income accounts thus creating individual receipts, however this would confuse my clients as to why there is a break-down when they paid in full. The reason why i do this is because the books which we publish are treated as separate income accounts when recording payments, so when you have an invoice with more than one different book, i have to record payment into each income account which i created for each book.

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