
Lock imported transactions

GrantWHallGrantWHall Member Posts: 24

I would like the ability to "LOCK" transactions that import from the bank. The bank is the system of record for our bank account balance and I feel those transactions should either not be allowed to be deleted - or they should be very hard to delete. While training a user, she deleted several transactions that were imported from the bank and it took some work to figure it all out and get us back to where we needed to be....


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    EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @GrantWHall! Thanks for reaching out. That is true - your bank imported transactions do serve as record for your bank accounts. I'd be happy to pass this feature suggestion to our team! While we don't have the ability to 'lock' these transactions, the mark as 'reviewed' button on the transactions page could be used to signify this transaction has imported from your bank. It is good to reconcile your connected bank accounts as well! While we would love our bank import feature to be 100% accurate we can't guarantee this as sometimes the connections can break or fail. Performing a reconciliation helps to make sure everything that is recorded in your bank is recorded in Wave.

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