2 Companies, Invoices showing up in wrong Company

ClassyVoxClassyVox Member Posts: 1

back in 2017 and 2018 I used Waves for my Voice Over Company. I didn't use it for most of 2019. I started a new company in late 2019, and all the invoices and payments from the old company showed up in the new company even though they have different names. It is screwing up my reconciliations now trying to close my 2019 year end for the current company. What do I do? The old invoices don't have anything to do with the new company at all.


  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @ClassyVox! Sorry to hear about the trouble you're having. Data is not transferable between businesses in Wave so the invoices should not be showing in the incorrect business. The best move would be to remove the incorrect information. Before you remove the data (such as invoices) make sure it is showing in the correct business, if it is not you can recreate it so you have a record.

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