
Same email appearing at bottom of receipt for 2 separate businesses

BilzBilz Member Posts: 2

I have opened 02 different businesses accounts on WaveApps. Both businesses have different webiste domains and emails. but whenever i send any invoice and receipt to my customer, there is written a line at the end of receipt " Thanks for your business. If this invoice was sent in error, please contact at this [email] "

The above [email] is basically the email which is my PRIMARY email and from which i am SIGNED IN. But the issue is the same email is also mentioned when i send receipt through my other business whose email is not the one which i use to sign in the wave app.

I want that separate emails should be appeared at the end receipt for each business seaparately.

Need your urgent support. How can i resolve this issue,


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Bilz,

    I can empathize with your frustration on this. You're right, the email address at the bottom of the invoice is always going to be the primary email for this account. This is simply because, in Wave, email addresses and credentials are attached to the user, not the business.

    There are three options at your disposal. None of those options are ideal, but they'll prevent your clients from seeing an email appearing to belong to your other business.

    • Change your primary email address before sending an invoice with a given business. This would mean a few more clicks per invoice.
    • Create separate Wave accounts for both businesses. This would probably mean the most work since you would have to re-enter all the data for one of your businesses. You could set yourself up as a collaborator to your own second business to be able to still manage both businesses from the same account.
    • Create a new email account to use as a primary address, that covers both businesses, making it act as the email of the mother company.
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    SeaniiSeanii Member Posts: 1

    Very helpful.

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