Single transactions counted twice in statements

faitfait Member Posts: 3

Wave records my invoice-linked deposits as both sales and as "consulting" income. It also shows a false "starting balance" to sales (even though that's not a stock account) that I cannot correct.

Any ideas what's going on here?

(I reconciled every single transaction, so the "transactions" are correct. The issues apply to statements/reports)


  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @fait! If Wave is recording income to sales and another income account, it may be that one of the products on your invoice has been associated with a different income account than 'sales'. You can check this by navigating to: Sales -> Products & Services -> click the pencil to 'edit' a product/service and you will be able to see the income account that has been assigned to this product/service. Whenever that product is added to an invoice, the income from it will show in that particular income account.

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