
How to figure net profit?

enjsweettreatsenjsweettreats Member Posts: 1

Sorry if this is in the wrong spot, never used these forums. Anyway...
I'm trying to setup Wave for use for a bakery, and I'm looking to figure out either cost of goods sold or net profit, whichever you want to consider it. I was using google sheets, and had it setup in a way that calculated the percentage of ingredients used and gave me the actual cost per batch. Is there a way to do similar with Wave
For example: I bought a box of butter for $1, recipe calls 1 of the 4 sticks in the box and entered it into sheets, then sheets calculated that the item cost $.25
Do that for several ingredients to get the total used for recipe. (I bought $15 worth of raw ingredients, but only use $4 for the batch)
Then divide the total cost into portion cost. (Customer buys 1 dozen, recipe makes 4 dozen per batch) So my cost was only $1

Even if I have to keep using Sheets to calculate dozen cost, where would I put in the cost of goods so I can get a more accurate idea of net profit? For example: 1 dozen cookies cost $1 to make, I sold it for $4. I know how to track the sale of a dozen for $4, but not that it cost $1 or a profit of $3


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