
Anybody wants Wave + WooCommerce integration?

ManishPatelManishPatel Member Posts: 12

Hello Community,

I'm building a WooCommerce plugin that will integrate my WooCommerce store with Wave. I'd want to offer it to the public as a product. These are all the features:

  • Automatically export and import products, customers and invoice
  • Real-time and manual sync
  • Bulk export and import
  • Handles tax, shipping and, discounts/coupons.

I need a few people to help me beta test it. If you want to help me and the Wave community, please let me know in the comments.

As a courtesy, I'd be happy to share the premium version with lifetime updates.


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    MichaelSMichaelS Member Posts: 1

    I am starting up a side managed services business, and I'm in the middle of figure this very thing out. I'd be interested in trying this. My site is still in development. I am hoping to fire it up fully featured instead of having to rebuild a platform later. Wave was my preferred choice for accounting, but If I can't integrate it with my site, it'll create too many moving parts to be useful.

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    ManishPatelManishPatel Member Posts: 12

    @MichaelS said:
    I am starting up a side managed services business, and I'm in the middle of figure this very thing out. I'd be interested in trying this. My site is still in development. I am hoping to fire it up fully featured instead of having to rebuild a platform later. Wave was my preferred choice for accounting, but If I can't integrate it with my site, it'll create too many moving parts to be useful.

    Hello Michael,

    You'd be a perfect person to beta test the solution I have built.

    Can you please send me an email so I can share the plugin and getting started documentation with you.

    Here's my email: http://scr.im/manishwp

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    @ManishPatel said:

    Can you please send me an email so I can share the plugin and getting started documentation with you.

    Hello Manish,
    I am looking for a solution to integration Wave with Woocommerce. Is your plugin are ready? At this moment I found best solution for me - Woo integration with QuickBooks - but possibility integration Woo with Wave sounds much better :) Can I test it?

    Do you already play on SPD-20?

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    ManishPatelManishPatel Member Posts: 12

    @ManishPatel said:

    Can you please send me an email so I can share the plugin and getting started documentation with you.

    Hello Manish,
    I am looking for a solution to integration Wave with Woocommerce. Is your plugin are ready? At this moment I found best solution for me - Woo integration with QuickBooks - but possibility integration Woo with Wave sounds much better :) Can I test it?

    Do you already play on SPD-20?


    The plugin is out of the beta phase and been publishes on CodeCanyon. You can purchase it from here: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-wave-connector/25870114

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    Thank you for your answer.

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