Understanding the status of your receipt

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin

imageUnderstanding the status of your receipt

Once you upload your receipt, it moves through three steps in the process of preparing to upload to your accounting. Here you'll find an explanation of these steps in order to better understand whe...

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edited February 15, 2020 in Help Center Discussion


  • KateldKateld Member Posts: 1

    Hello, I'm new to Wave. Would like to understand more about Bills and Receipts. Whats the difference? Do I need to add a bill if I've already uploaded a receipt?

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Kateld! The difference here would be that a Receipt is with relation to something you've purchased, whereas a Bill is related to an amount you owe, like an electricity bill, for example :) I hope that helps!

  • CoachKevinCoachKevin Member Posts: 2
    So, if I process a receipt and it gets entered into the account, and I also download transactions from my bank, will the receipt and DL transaction be matched or will there be two different transactions?
  • JCDJCD Member Posts: 10

    My receipts seems to be stuck in processing for a couple of hours now how do I get them posted

  • supakdeesupakdee Member Posts: 14
    My recent uploaded receipts were under processing status for a long time but when they’re ready, no info was read (no merchant name, no amount). This started to happen around 2 days ago.
    Please help
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there, @CoachKevin

    They won't be matched automatically, but they can be merged instead.

    Hey @JCD @supakdee

    Sometimes the upload can take a bit longer than usual as our OCR may take a bit of time depending on the receipt of course.

  • ShannonSShannonS Member Posts: 3

    Is there a way to see whether each transaction has a receipt attached or not? Ideally in a list format or reconciliation-type situation, so I can quickly go through transactions that still need receipts?

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @ShannonS

    There is no way to view this in your transactions page at this moment. You can only see a list of your receipt transactions under Purchases > Receipts. Hope this helps to some degree!

  • ShannonSShannonS Member Posts: 3

    Do you have a suggested way of tracking that every expense has a receipt? My understanding is that if I ever get audited, I need receipts for everything, but I don't want to keep paper if I can have them uploaded to wave instead.
    So... my solution is maybe in the transactions screen, to only mark them as "reviewed" once a receipt is uploaded. My only concern is that there may be another purpose for the "reviewed" button that affects something elsewhere?
    What do you think? Are you aware of how other people are doing this?

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @ShannonS

    The main purpose of the green verified checkmark is to simply ensure that you've categorized the transaction and all of your details are reviewed and correct. Otherwise it doesn't necessarily achieve any other major effect in your Wave reports.

    Wave's receipts app allows you to upload only expense transactions through the purchases section. We currently don't have a method of attaching your receipts to every transaction, so for instance, if you make a bill payment and mark it as paid, this won't be able to have a receipt attached to it.

    Currently auditing every receipt in Wave is not something we have available but we appreciate you reaching out in our community about this!

  • ChellyBeanChellyBean Member Posts: 1

    7 of my receipts have been stuck in "processing" all day, and I am trying to get my tax info together for my accountant and I seem to be held up here. Is there a way to just manually enter the details and bypass this processing stage? I need to get my paperwork out the door! Thank you :)

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hello @ChellyBean ! The "Processing" bar appears as Wave obtains the information from the receipt. This process usually takes a few minutes. If your receipt is "stuck" in this state for longer than usual, you can click the refresh button. If you are uploading your receipts via the mobile app, alternatively, you can upload your receipts via our web app or via email.

  • plutekplutek Member Posts: 20

    it looks like there's no way to sort receipts in the "Ready" list, other than how they show up there by default. is that correct?
    also: is there no way to make a split transaction while processing receipts in the "Ready" list? i.e. we have to approve and post them as a single transaction there, and then go to the transaction list and edit it to make a split?
    and finally: i see that after i edit a transaction which came from a receipt, the corresponding entry in the receipts "Done" list doesn't update to show those transaction changes. are the various receipt lists permanent, or are they just a temporary holding area while we go through the process of reviewing and posting them? do they get cleared from those lists at some point, or are we left with permanent discrepancies between edited receipt transactions and the receipt lists?

    edited November 23, 2020
  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hello @plutek !

    I'm afraid that there is no option to sort your "Ready" receipts in the "Ready" section. This list simply contains your uploaded receipts that are ready to be posted for accounting purposes.

    In order to successfully split a transaction for a receipt you uploaded in Wave, you will need to post the "Ready" receipt to accounting ultimately marking it as "Done". This will automatically post a receipt transaction on your Accounting > Transactions page as you mentioned. You can then split the transaction.

    Regarding your last question, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that. Do you mind clarifying that for me? If you edit a receipt transaction on your Accounting > Transactions page, this will not affect the receipt itself found on your Purchases > Receipts page. The receipt transaction is generated based on the information provided via the uploaded receipt. Once generated, it is not directly linked with the receipt itself. The Purchases > Receipts page is essentially an area to upload receipts into Wave for accounting purposes, and keep track of your uploaded receipts and their statuses. To learn more, feel free to check out the Help Center article below:

  • plutekplutek Member Posts: 20

    thanks, @JulianP !

    ok... so the Purchases > Receipts page is just a "staging area" for incoming receipts. fine. i'm just saying that, once a receipt is "Done" (i.e. it's been made into a transaction), it can become confusing because subsequent transaction edits might make it unclear which receipt in that list corresponds to which transaction in accounting -- especially since, as you point out, the transaction is not directly linked with the receipt itself.

    so here's a useful question: does a transaction which came from a receipt require the receipt to remain in the receipt list, or does it copy the receipt image to another location which is associated with the transaction? or, to put it another way: can i just delete a receipt in the receipt list, once it is "Done", without affecting its corresponding transaction? ...as long as the transaction would still retain the image, that would seem cleaner to me, rather than just accumulating tons and tons of uploaded receipts which can't be searched or sorted and which have already been fully entered into accounting.

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @plutek !

    To clarify, the Purchases > Receipts section is to show you the status of your receipts, where you would like to move/keep them, stores the receipt images, and it allows you to modify the transaction that the receipt will generate before posting to accounting. To further clarify, once the transaction is posted to accounting, the receipt itself will be linked to the receipt transaction. You can edit the transaction, however, any changes to the transaction will not affect the uploaded receipt itself as it is static and can't be edited. Below I attached a screenshot for reference:

    To answer your second question, once a receipt transaction is created from an uploaded receipt, it is not required to remain in the receipt list but I recommend leaving it untouched for your records as it contains the receipt details entered when creating the associated transaction/posting to accounting. The transaction would still retain the image if the receipt is removed from the receipt list. You can access it by pressing the same hyperlink in the screenshot.

    I hope this helps!

    edited December 22, 2020
  • plutekplutek Member Posts: 20
    @JulianP thanks a lot for all that clear detail! :-)
  • KristinHKristinH Member Posts: 1

    I have a number of questions:
    1. when I post to accounting, I go to a screen that says you're all done, but there is no other return then closing the app? Is that normal. Using latest IOS on previously an iPhone Xs and now iPhone 12, same problem.
    2. the posted receipts stay in my review box. The do not go to the done box and do not appear in my transactions online.
    3. signing in and out only my old posted entries when it still did work disappear. they are not to be found on wave online. How do I get them back? Signed in and out both in the app and online.

    What do I do?

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @KristenH!

    It appears that some of your Wave pages might not be communicating with each other, and this is why you are seeing discrepancies in the numbers between different pages.

    I have triggered an accounting data fix on your account, and it showed that your account was in need of this! The reports and accounts should be properly connected within 15-30 minutes, depending on how much data there was to fix.

    If, after that time the accounts are still off, please let me know and we can go from there.

  • RicHattanRicHattan Member Posts: 1
    I’m having the same issue as Kristan, the app locks before send the receipt to done catagory.
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