Bank connection won't use existing account

janineannejanineanne Member Posts: 3

I have reconnected all of my bank connections and they are seem to be working (knocks on wood) although Chase keeps needing to be reauthorized. However, I still have a problem with one of them. All of the others were perfectly happy to use the existing account they were being imported into before, but for unknown reasons my mortgage insisted on creating a new account. Not even the checking and savings accounts from the same institution did this. So now I have two accounts for my mortgage, one full of transactions going back many years, and the other new one with just a starting balance so far. Is there anything I can do to merge the two? Why did this one connection behave this way?


  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @janineanne , this definitely sounds like a tricky one! Is this mortgage account also with Chase? Particular accounts are unable to be linked back to the original accounts that were already created within Wave. The tricky thing here is that in order to rectify this, you're going to need to do a bulk account edit for the transactions in the old duplicated account, and change them to the newer one. Once all of the transactions have been moved from the old account to the new one, you can navigate to Accounting > Chart of Accounts, and archive the old one, effectively deleting it in the process and moving forwards with just the one account.

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