
Additional Search options/ search pain relocation

NicholeNichole Member Posts: 7

I absolutely love and am thrilled that Wave now offers to search for transactions by looking up an $amount. WIth that said.... however, the search bar when you look something up covers the "Category" for quick entry and you can not check off reviewed when you found the amount for faster transaction reconciliation. Is there any way possible that in your next upgraded features if you can include or possible look into the following 2 items to make prob. save a lot of folks who love your product time.

1: Relocate the Search bar so that it does not cover up the "Choose a Category" and "mark for reviewed" area

2: could it be possible to look up key word searches in the "Notes" area (i.e. if i write a job name as St. Clair Street and any transactions that i enter "St. Clair Street" would show up if i enter it into each notes area of the transactions for future referencing.?


  • Options
    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Nichole

    Loving this positive feedback. To be honest I never realized that it covers up vital info until now. Thanks for this. Our team is constantly scouring the community threads for future updates. So thanks for your feature ideas.

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