
Some accounting features suggestion

MichaelChan_BidaMichaelChan_Bida Member Posts: 7
  1. If there is no movements in some accounts like Other Current Assets, when I view BS, it still appear. How to not showing it?
  2. Setting-->Dates & Currency-->eg 31 March, when I view report, 2019, it appears 01 Jan to 31 Dec 2019, is it possible to automatically change to 1/4 to 31/3? Thanks
  3. If i have more than 4000 transactions to import, is there any faster methods. After import, is there any faster methods to select corresponding accounts? Thanks


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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @MichaelChan_Bida

    1. I think the best thing to view this is to head to your Accounting > Transactions > Filter > Select the category drop to be the Other Current Assets account and select your transaction date range to be as early back as you possibly can. Then you'll see if there are any existing transactions in this account still.
    2. Your reports will generate at the beginning of the following day of your fiscal year end date. So if you head to Settings > Dates and currency and change your date, your reports should generate the following. In my example below the fiscal year end date I chose is June 1st. You can see that my reports generate from June 2nd onward (06/02).

    CSV Uploader

    Using our CSV uploader. With the proper formatting, you are able to download a CSV document containing all of your transactions from your online banking website, and upload them directly to Wave. Check out this article on Troubleshooting your csv upload if you run into any problems when uploading your transactions.

    Wave Connect

    My personal favorite method is WAVE CONNECT.
    Wave Connect allows you to upload or download transactional data, invoices, customer lists, etc, into a Google spreadsheet. Your excel files can be easily transferred into a Google Spreadsheet as well. See this image below of what Wave Connect looks like:
    image All you need to do is input the transactional information into a template that is generated through the add-on feature in Google sheets and it auto-populates right into your Wave account once you've validated the data.

    edited March 5, 2020
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    MichaelChan_BidaMichaelChan_Bida Member Posts: 7

    Thanks for your answer. I still have some more questions.
    2. For your example, if you turn the yr end date to 1 June, then the report will come out 2 June, but when you select another yr, the report date will start from 1 Jan to 31 Dec, is it? Thank you.
    3. Yeah, wave connect is easy to work out customer, products, invoice, etc. How about bills? If I got more than 100bills per month, is there any methods for me to input it faster. Thank you.

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