
Change contact email on the receipt

RicksonRickson Member Posts: 2

Is there a way to change the email associated on the receipt? (Please refer below)
It is always showing the email of the owner of the account and I want to change it to something else like "admin@example.com".


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    RicksonRickson Member Posts: 2

    Following up :)

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    JessGJessG Member Posts: 54 admin

    @Rickson Thanks for following up! There isn't a way of changing the sender's email at this point in time. You're right, the sender's email address will populate from the account owner email address.

    As a workaround, you can add a secondary email and toggle between them! Just remember to set the preferred email as your primary before sending a receipt.

    To change the primary address in your account, please follow these steps in our help guide here.

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