
Email notification for new transactions pulled by Connected Account

GrantWHallGrantWHall Member Posts: 24

When new items are pulled from our connected bank account - I would like the ability to receive an email notifying me that there are new transactions that have been created.

For us, every transaction in Wave that is pulled from our bank account means something needs to be done. Since we use most of the features of Wave - a deposit pulled from our bank account means that we need to record the Invoices that were part of that deposit - we currently use the Payment Received for an Invoice in Wave on the Transaction page to record these since most of our deposits are for multiple Invoices.

And when a Withdrawal comes over from our connected account - this means we need to record the Bill as paid. We currently use the Payment sent for a Bill in Wave on the Transaction page to record these since most of our bills are on auto-draft.

Occasionally, we will Merge a Receipt to a Withdrawal pulled from the connected account; however, this is rare.


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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @GrantWHall and thanks for leaving us with your feature idea! In full transparency, this type of a feature is likely one that is slightly more complex because we work with a data provider in order to provide the bank connection feature, and while I can see how this feature would be helpful for some Wavers, the situation would mean that the email would need to come from our Data Provider directly and this is not a feature that they currently offer. In saying that, I would be super curious to understand if other Wavers would be interested in this as a feature, so would love to hear from anyone else around if they would use this feature!

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    GrantWHallGrantWHall Member Posts: 24

    @JordanD, I think it could be made fairly easy. Wave knows when the transaction was added - when I look at a bank imported transaction, it says "From Bank Import: This transaction was imported on 2020-03-03". So I am assuming that Import Date or some similar field is available in the Transaction database / table. Since Wave has this information, a nightly job could be run to see which accounts got imports for that day, if the account received imports - send email.

    Note: A nightly job is just one idea...there are actually multiple ways this could be accomplished.

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @GrantWHall, great suggestion! We appreciate your feedback in the many threads you're active in - it's genuinely appreciated and helps us to have a fresh angle on certain scenarios like this. We'd love to hear from any other Wavers out here who feel the same way!

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    Michael823Michael823 Member Posts: 1
    I found this suggestion by doing a Google search asking if I could use the waveapps to get a notification because two of my banks don’t provide notifications for deposits. Reza even the new banks are not progressive enough to hear a suggestion about the notifications and actually do something about it. my first thought was that your group would be the best to ask because I’m sure it’s something extremely simple. I was hoping to do something with it using IFTTT or the zaps that you have listed on my own if necessary.
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    JonathanSteenJonathanSteen Member Posts: 1

    I was surprised this feature was not available. A text message to a number on file would also be helpful. I get a text messages from numerous accounts keeping me apprised of what is happening with my accounts in real time.

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