Import Invoices

JoleneBJoleneB Member Posts: 2

Hi there!
I am completely new to Wave, i previously used Xero accounting.
So I am still getting used to Wave and learning my way around it..

Here is where my issue comes in, I have done a lot of transactions on Xero before I switched to Wave, I have a lot of "unfinished" business on Xero, but would rather just use Wave ..
So, can I import my previous data onto Wave or should I enter each transaction manually?
It is 2years worth of data


  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @JoleneB! Thanks for checking Wave out, and welcome aboard! What you could do would be to see if you can get your transactional data exported from Xero as a .CSV file, and then follow our guide on uploading your statement into Wave, in order to get that information into the right place! Otherwise, you might want to consider using Wave Connect, and you'll also want to take a look into this Help Center article on accounting software switches!

  • JoleneBJoleneB Member Posts: 2


    I have already exported by data to CSV files, but cant seem to import the data into wave, as wave gives me an export data option only..
    i have uploaded my bank statements into wave, via .CSV files, but I will have to enter each invoice manually?

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hi @JoleneB

    Wave has a couple of options to uploading both transactions and invoices through our integration Wave connect.

    CSV Uploader

    Using our CSV uploader. With the proper formatting, you are able to download a CSV document containing all of your transactions from your online banking website, and upload them directly to Wave. Check out this article on Troubleshooting your csv upload if you run into any problems when uploading your transactions.

    Wave Connect

    My personal favorite method is WAVE CONNECT.
    Wave Connect allows you to upload or download transactional data, invoices, customer lists, etc, into a Google spreadsheet. Your excel files can be easily transferred into a Google Spreadsheet as well. See this image below of what Wave Connect looks like:
    image All you need to do is input the transactional information into a template that is generated through the add-on feature in Google sheets and it auto-populates right into your Wave account once you've validated the data.

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