
Feature Request - Mark as paid during bill creation

YanikFYanikF Member Posts: 1

Hello Wavers

I've been tasked with entering a bunch of bills and I'd love to see a feature where I can mark them as paid right away.

Right now, I have to enter a bill, save it, search for it and mark it as paid. It's fine when you have one or two bills to enter at once, but when you are dealing with hundreds of them, it would be great to be able to simply enter it, mark it as paid and move on to the next one.

I'm sure many of us have a bunch of invoices to enter at once. What do you think?


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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @YanikF! Thanks for your input here! I totally hear you, I think that would be a pretty valuable feature, and your idea will absolutely be up for review! Really good stuff, appreciate it!

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    PamSPPamSP Member Posts: 3

    I'd like to add my support for this being a useful feature. I've just got Wave recently to prepare my tax return for the year just ended, so all my inputting is retrospective, everything has already been paid. It's a bit of a faff, as @YanikF says, to go back and find the transaction after you've created it.

    And yes I know I should have being doing this as I go along :D Next year I will!

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