How to Move Your Data Between Wave Accounts or From Another Accounting System

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin

imageHow to Move Your Data Between Wave Accounts or From Another Accounting System

There are many reasons you may need to move your accounting data into a new system, or close one set of books and open another. For example, you might want to change software, or just start over wi...

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edited March 2, 2020 in Help Center Discussion


  • CamileCamile Member Posts: 0

    Hi, tried to import data using WaveConnect. It gives me an Error message: Required Column Item Name not found. I was using it to import invoice data and payments. Any ideas on how to do that? thank you.

  • SaleemSaleem Member Posts: 2

    this is horrible, soo many steps!!!! Cant someone else do it for us?

    edited April 2, 2020
  • coldwhitefirecoldwhitefire Member Posts: 2

    Can we have an import and export feature for all sections in Wave? I don't want just accounting, I need sales, and purchases, etc. If one could have a checkbox what they want to import and export this would make this process a lot easier.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @coldwhitefire

    Thanks for your contribution to our community! I agree with you that this would be such an incredible feature to have in our system! In an ideal world we would have had this long ago. To speak a bit further on this matter, it would be an extensive amount of work to import an entire business into Wave. There are also several risks on the backend, such as if you did import everything and somewhere in the import your accounting was off, reconciling this would be incredibly cumbersome and difficult. I usually always recommend our users upload month by month so that if the import does go awry, you won't have thousands of transactions to reconcile all at once.

  • MugglesMuggles Member Posts: 3

    Thanks for the info but unfortunately the part where you are setting up your templates and chart of accounts is the part I wanted to clone/copy/import into a new set of books for another business that I have. I was hoping to bypass all that setup work again, but if looks like I'm going to have to recreate it sadly. Fortunately in my case it isn't that much that I have to change, but it may be an idea to add the option of copying an existing companies chart of accounts and templates (ie. the raw company without the data) to the wishlist as well :smile: And while we are on the subject of wishlists, not related to this post, a feature to be able to print individual transactions (ie the detail on the right of the screen once you have selected a transaction) would be great as well. I needed to print some journal information yesterday and ended up having to take screenshots :disappointed: Thanks again for a great package/program though, am really enjoying using it :smiley:

    edited June 28, 2020
  • CallieMoeCallieMoe Member Posts: 1

    I don't see an account called "Old Company balances" - does it need to be added. OR is this a feature that Editor cannot do??

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @CallieMoe , on page 2 of the article, 2c will direct you on adding this account to Wave.

  • EMSEMS Member Posts: 2

    Hi. I am trying to move my data between my wave accounts. I was able to do all the steps, but I am having trouble moving the invoices. I get a lot of warnings when validating the invoices of the old account, despite doing it through the Google plugin. Can someone help me, please? Thanks!!!

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @EMS! Thanks for reaching out here! Can you let me know what kind of warnings you've been receiving when you're trying to perform this action? I'd love to see what you're seeing!

  • JSU_99JSU_99 Member Posts: 2

    Is it still possible to customize the Chart of Accounts from legacy to new accounting system?
    Cannot see any DOWNLOAD OPTIONS at the top of Accounting>Chart of Accounts in the new company.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @JSU_99

    At this time you cannot download or print your chart of accounts in Wave. With regards to customizing your chart of accounts, you will need to do this manually under Accounting > Chart of accounts > And re-add your accounts here.

  • JSU_99JSU_99 Member Posts: 2

    I have a problem with validation before Upload Products from Wave Connect, below is the example error message out of 23 messages. I cannot see how to fix the below error issue, do you have any tip?

    ERROR: Income Account and Expense Account cannot both be blank. Record will be skipped.
    ERROR: Expense Account is invalid. This record will be skipped.

  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi there @JSU_99 , thanks for your message! Based on those error messages, it looks like
    a) for the first one, there was not enough info entered into the Sheet, and so it would not upload. Please ensure all the fields have data entered into them, and then give that another try.
    b) for the second one, it's worth noting that the only accounts which can be selected for uploads are those accounts which already exist in Wave. Can you confirm that the account you selected is already created in your Wave account?
    Let us know how it goes :)

  • JohnPAJohnPA Member Posts: 2

    How do I download data as .xls files? It exports everything as Csv files, whether I click on the export as xls or Csv files.
    I need it to be XLS

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @JohnPA , we don't have an .xls option as it turns out but you should be able to download as .csv, open it in Excel and export it as .xls.

  • TKRDesignTKRDesign Member Posts: 1

    This was not easy in any way shape or form. It would have been easier to just duplicate and remove all the old stuff you dont want in your wave business account. You cant move over estimates or vendors, I cant seem to move of invoices, barley got the products and customers moved over. It was literally a waste of 2 days.

  • sermserm Member Posts: 1

    your add ons takes me to a page 404 no url so i cannot transfer my data to Zoho books

  • Starik70Starik70 Member Posts: 8

    Hello, for some reason I cannot see this section in setting to connect Stripe: Settings > Credit Card Payments. I only see Settings > Sales > Payments and in this section it doesn't have any link to connect Stripe. Thanks.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @serm , can you explain which add ons you're talking about? A little more detail on the issue you're experiencing would help us troubleshoot better.

    Hey @Starik70 , we've ended all new Stripe connections within the software which is why you're not able to set up a new account with Stripe.

  • indoindo Member Posts: 4

    Guys, is there no easy way to just move transactions from one business to another business? I just can't seem to export transactions from one business in Wave and import it to another business. The reason is that I have split my business and want to separate the transactions according to the business. Should be easy peasy but seems to be a real challenge with Wave. Unless I'm missing something?

  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @indo !

    There is no direct action which allows you to move your transactions between businesses in Wave I'm afraid. Currently the method that we suggest is to download your transactions from the Settings > Data Export page.

    For uploading, this can be done using Wave Connect, or uploading a bank statement, which can also be a .CSV file. If you're using a .CSV file, I recommend copying and pasting the relevant data onto our template file found here, as these uploads can be a little tricky!

  • newtothisnewtothis Member Posts: 1

    " refused to connect."

    Now what? First time trying to connect Wave account using Sheets add-ons.

  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hi @newtothis, this is most likely caused by a browser error, which we should be able to resolve with some browser troubleshooting.

    Firstly, could you ensure you're using the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, or Edge. Then, please try again with your browser extensions disabled. If you have Chrome, you can use an incognito window, or if you have Firefox, a private browsing window.

    If that doesn't work, you may also need to clear your cache and cookies.

  • Tony_S43Tony_S43 Member Posts: 1

    I have currently a Quicken Premiere and I want to quickly leave Quicken, and start a simple accounting on Wave software. I must be able to transfer all data from Quicken (saved on my desktop) - and the article and comments below do not say how to do it. I have lost access to my Quicken files because the Quicken falsely claimed that my subscription expired. I paid the subscription in July. Quicken support claims it is my computer which prevents opening the files, and the local technicians who tried to open these files are sure that the Quicken is causing the problem. Therefore I want to abandon Quicken but I need to know if Wave will be able to accept the stored quicken files and convert these to Wave format.

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