
Paypal pro Integration

glun298glun298 Member Posts: 3

we already use PayPal pro for our website payments and over the phone payment so it would be great if you could add this as an option instead of strip so people have a choice


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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hi @glun298 and thanks for leaving us with your Feature Idea. In full transparency, in North America, Wave has its own payment processing rails and for customers outside of this area, we default to Stripe as they are our official partner for payment processing. I totally hear that you would like the option for PayPal instead, but am curious if there is a reason that you prefer using PayPal over Stripe. This sort of insight would be helpful in seeing how feasible this feature would be.

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    glun298glun298 Member Posts: 3

    the reason is to keep all payments under one roof so I need to be able to take website payments and virtual terminal payments for telephone orders and then obviously the connection to Wave also a bonus to this would be the ability to cake chip and pin payments and i don't believe that Stripe has a virtual terminal option

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @glun298, thanks for your feedback here! This insight really helps. Unfortunately, this isn't something that we're looking to build in the near future, but it may be something we pursue down the line!

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    glun298glun298 Member Posts: 3

    No problems I will continue to use Wave as, to be honest, it's great without this integration and it will just be icing on the cake if 1 Stripe add virtual terminal payments or 2 the PayPal integration happens although I won't hold my breath :)

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Awesome, thanks so much for your understanding @glun298!

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