
How to change payment reminder wording?

Mika_9Mika_9 Member Posts: 2

Is it possible to change the wording of your payment reminders?


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Mika_9.

    There isn't currently a way to edit the template for our payments reminders. Is there anything specific you'd like to see change?

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    GundogGundog Member Posts: 1

    Being able to change that would be great. Just to make it a little more friendly nudge that the invoice is overdue rather than a big overdue stamp on it. Keep up the good work folks. Great software.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Gundog.

    Thanks for the love! We work really hard to try and make your life easier and it's always nice to hear we're doing good by our business owners!

    If you'd like to discuss this in a bit more details, I encourage you to read this post, and to start a discussion under the Wave Features category!

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    edhollingsbeeedhollingsbee Member Posts: 1

    I'd love to be able to edit the template wording too, as I keep having to apologise to my customers for the 'tone' of the reminder.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for sharing your feedback, @edhollingsbee. I'll be sure to forward it to the right people on my end.

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    pianoteacherpianoteacher Member Posts: 10 ✭✭

    I would like to be able to edit the template, too, or at least remove the "UNPAID" stamp.
    I'd like to add a "thank you" and also change "contact us" to "contact me".

    Thanks for your recent improvements to Wave!

    edited October 15, 2018
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    DrasevaDraseva Member Posts: 2

    I am setting up a new account and decided not to use this feature no matter how useful, because the text is so unfriendly.

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    pianoteacherpianoteacher Member Posts: 10 ✭✭

    Members please leave a comment about payment reminders in the Wave Features discussion:


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    BennBenn Member Posts: 2

    I love wave, but am extremely frustrated that loyal fans have been requesting this since 2018

    (I'm writing this in August 2020, and can have found posts in August 2019) and it still hasn't been added.
    • PLEASE allow those that sing your praises to edit reminder wording
    • Bringing back Bank integration was a FANTASTIC Feature that I personally would be happy to pay for!!!
    I do not mean to be rude but as my business grows spending less time on administration is becoming far more important and It's getting to the stage where I am seriously considering moving to a paid, competitors product that has the two features above as they would save me a LOT of time

    Thank you for considering the above

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    CyberklutzCyberklutz Member Posts: 2

    Being able to change the invoicing wording would be great. Just to make it a little more friendly nudge that the invoice is overdue rather than a big overdue stamp on it. Keep up the good work folks. Great software. Any movement on this?

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