Frequent Cloudflare 1016 Errors

csf97csf97 Member Posts: 1

The last several weeks, we have been getting Cloudflare 1016 DNS Origin errors frequently when trying to access WaveApps. It is not our network, because when the error occurs it also happens on our mobile phones using LTE. It usually resolves in a matter of minutes, but is quite annoying and worrisome that our clients who are trying to pay may also be encountering this error. Anyone else have this issue?


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @csf97 , thanks for getting in touch about this. It looks like our DNS provider Cloudflare did indeed have some outages this morning by way of their Atlanta end point (thus affecting certain regions of Southern United States). They are taking a look into this in order to prevent this from happening in the future.

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