
Custom fields in Customer Master

UHRP3UHRP3 Member Posts: 78 ✭✭

Hello @Alexia

Is there a possibility to introduce custom fields in the customer master, which when filled will reflected in the Invoice? (Bill to)

It can be 3 or 4 custom fields.

We use Wave app for generating monthly maintenance slips and we cannot mention the apartment number, apartment area, parking slot etc etc.

edited June 7, 2019 in Wave Features


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @UHRP3.

    It isn't possible to add fields to the customer information at this time. You can, however, use any field to write any information. The only field that is required to be filled is the Customer Name field. There are also specific requirements for the website field, but you can otherwise use any field for any information you need. In short, almost every field can be used as a custom field

    Is there any particular information you would need to see in your customer blocks?

    Thank you so much for your feedback. We really appreciate how active you've been in the Community in those last few weeks. While I can't guarantee that your suggestions will be implemented, your input means a lot to us.

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    destwddestwd Member Posts: 2

    Hello. I'm a new business owner and new to Wave. As UHRP3 mentioned, the issue is that while you CAN enter information into any field in the customer record, they don't all show up in the "bill to" area of the INVOICE. My own particular issue is that in my country Slovakia. It is necessary to include the Company ID (IČO) and Company TAX ID (DÍC) in the billing address. Currently, the only way for me to do this is to add it to the Company Name Field, which isn't pretty.
    I would like to add them at the end of the address. It would be fairly simple I believe to add two extra fields to the customer record: Custom1: Custom 2: and print these under the billing address. That way anyone who is required to provide OTHER information in the Bill To area, like UHRP3 and myself, could use these custom fields (for any content). In the mean time, I hope my customers will accept their ID information in the Customer Name field. Thanks. I look forward to your comments.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @destwd.

    Thank you for sharing your feedback, I'm more than happy to pass it along. I can't make promises as to whether this will be added to Wave, but feedback from our users has a significant impact on what we choose to build next.

    You could also add this to the Notes or Footer section of your invoice. It would be more work since this couldn't be done automatically, but it might make for a better-looking invoice.

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    destwddestwd Member Posts: 2

    Thanks @Alexia. I was able to work around it and it doesn't look so bad in the Company Name field. I'll live with it for now, and hopefully your developers will be able to find a space somewhere on their "to do" list for it. :)

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Happy to hear it, @destwd!

    Could you share a screenshot of how you ended up organizing things, with any actual personal information obfuscated? It might help other Wavers out!

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    traceyosatraceyosa Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I am a small medical business owner and am in the same situation as @destwd and @UHRP3 . It would be great to have customizable fields that show up under the customer billing. My invoices require client policy and ID #s.

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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hi @traceyosa and Welcome to the Wave Community Forum! Thanks for chiming in with more context about what you'd like to be able to customize on invoicing. I'm curious if you could share if showing the client policy and ID #s are a standard for your business' industry or if that is how your business particularly operates? Also, if it is an industry standard, would you mind sharing what industry that would be and where in the world you operate?

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    StrazzulloNETStrazzulloNET Member Posts: 2

    We need custom fields, and the ability to remove existing fields.
    My business doesn't use Fax, but many if not most of my clients use Discord for organizing our work.
    I'm currently showing their Discord handle in the "other" field, but I also want to show my Discord handle at the bottom, near my phone number etc...

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