
Clone/Duplicate Estimate

ayfaizalayfaizal Member Posts: 1

How to Clone or Duplicate Estimate? I have already created Estimate so i want to just clone and change the customer name with existing details.


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @ayfaizal.

    It isn't currently possible to duplicate estimates. You can do it once the estimate is converted to a draft invoice, but not while it still exists has an estimate.

    Do you use estimates often in the specific context of your business? What kind of work do you use them for? Can you give me a concrete example of a time you wish you could have duplicated an estimate?

    If you'd like to give us a better idea of how you use estimates so we have a better idea of how to best make your workflow easier, consider reading this post and starting a discussion under the Wave Features category.

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    heathermarchheathermarch Member Posts: 2

    I agree! I have only recently moved over to Wave from a different supplier and not being able to duplicate estimates is a real pain. Often, my estimates are very similar in scope and having to start from scratch is time-consuming. Previously I was just able to hit a "Duplicate Estimate" button and amend a few details for the next client. Wave really needs to implement this button..

    edited March 20, 2018
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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @heathermarch.

    I hear what you're saying and I can empathize with your frustration over not being able to duplicate estimates. I'd like to recommend adding your voice to the thread on the same subject under Wave Features, which you can find here.

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