
Bulk importing/exporting/processing

IzwebusrIzwebusr Member Posts: 12

I have been looking at Wave for a few days but there is a capability missing that is a deal-breaker for me and (I think) should be basic. The accounting system should be able to import/export/process/delete batch, large number of transactions easily. It seems this is impossible with Wave. Am I (hopefully) missing something?


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    NicoletteBNicoletteB Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    Hey @lzwebusr, I see you're super new to Wave so welcome to our Community!

    Great q! We actually do have most of these features to make using your Transactions page easier.

    For bulk exports, you can do this under Settings > Data Export to get all your transactions in Wave.

    For bulk imports, we have a few different methods but I prefer our Google Sheets add-on, Wave Connect. Easy to set up and it has an error checker!

    Lastly, you can do a bulk delete on the Accounting > Transactions page by selecting your transactions by checking off the box to the side and then hitting the Delete button.

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    IzwebusrIzwebusr Member Posts: 12

    Thank you for your reply. I did look at Google Sheets with the Wave Connect add on, but I understand this allows for only one transaction (one date) per import, though with many split lines. Is this right?

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Izwebusr, the Wave Connect add on should let you have several transactions/dates per import! Can you let me know what you're seeing when you're referring to those transactions only allowing one per import?

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    IzwebusrIzwebusr Member Posts: 12


    Thanks for the reply.

    Bulk journal transaction only allows one date, I understand.

    I guess the alternative is Bank Transactions? Will that allow multiple splits?

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Izwebusr

    Have you looked into our CSV uploader? With regard to bulk journal transactions, this may need to be done in your Wave account and they may need to be separated for different dates. But regarding multiple transactions being uploaded at once, you have several options as listed above.

    CSV uploader
    Wave Connect
    Bank Connections

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    Molly_FMolly_F Member Posts: 1

    I am running into the same issue. I have historical journal entry data in CSV & Excel format that I just want to upload so as to be able to run historical statements. Sounds like I have to individually enter each date's transactions separately via the google sheet upload process to make this work. (I've tested loading a starting balance using google sheets and it tells me the transactions don't balance but they do so that doesn't make me feel very confident) . The CSV import option appears to only pull in bank data, not journal entries so that doesn't help me in the least.
    Why can we not pull actual JEs into the application?

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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Molly_F !

    To upload journal entires into your Wave account, our Wave Connect Google Sheets add-on is your best bet here. As you may know, when preparing your sheet, you're going to enter your input data. You might type this in, or more helpfully you might copy it from another spreadsheet where you already have the data. After pressing the Validate button, Wave Connect will check the accuracy of your data. If there is anything it doesn't like, you'll get a very specific message telling you what to fix so you can revalidate the data entered. Keep in mind, the add-on will set data validation rules to make sure the data you enter is valid. On example of this could be something as simple as making sure you don't put text where a number is needed. I hope this helps!

    edited March 1, 2021
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    IzwebusrIzwebusr Member Posts: 12

    I have tried with Wave Connect again, with no luck. I don't understand how this says it imports "bulk journal entries". It is designed to import ONE entry at a time by filling out a form!

    Step 1: Prepare input sheet: A form is created where you can MANUALLY enter debit and credit (description, etc.)

    Then you enter the information manually.

    Step 2: Validate Data: If numbers work, you get a "SUCCESS" message

    Step 3: Upload Data: In this step you enter the description for the entry and apply a date, implying ONE date for the entry. Obviously, there is no bulk update if you can only use one date.

    Am I missing something? How is this "bulk update for journal entries"?

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Izwebusr , Wave Connect allows you to upload a single bulk journal transaction, bulk referring to the numerous entries housed within that transaction.

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    IzwebusrIzwebusr Member Posts: 12

    Thank you for clarifying. A mechanism to add multiple transactions (journal entries) where each has one or multiple lines (splits), is critical for Wave to be of any use.

    As of today, I understand this is not possible with this software.

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    IzwebusrIzwebusr Member Posts: 12

    Hi. Has there been any update on the capabilities of Wave to import bulk transactions? Basically, to migrate to Wave, I **need **to be able to transfer the complete general ledger from other software.


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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Izwebusr !

    There haven't been any updates to our importing functionalities but you can import your transactions into Wave in bulk using the methods below:

    We also have this handy Help Center article that may help you with your migration:

    edited June 11, 2021
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    IzwebusrIzwebusr Member Posts: 12


    Looking again at Wave as an option but I still find no way of uploading and or processing batch general journal entries. Is this still the case?


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    IzwebusrIzwebusr Member Posts: 12


    Has true batch / bulk transaction import been made available? Does Wave now have the functionality to upload multiple transactions (like a ledger) at once?


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    IzwebusrIzwebusr Member Posts: 12

    Hi @AlexL . Would you please be so kind to provide an update on whether true batch import (multiple journal entries) will be possible? I am referring to the possibility of uploading hundreds of journal entries with different dates and different accounts at a time. Is this being developed?

    Wave Connect is not an option because it only allows ONE journal entry (with multiple splits) at a time.

    I currently use Quickbooks and need to find an alternative (as they discontinue Desktop version). However, there is no way I can use Wave if I cannot upload historical transactions in large numbers at a time.

    Thank you.

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