
Verification Email not get getting delivered

bekomediabekomedia Member Posts: 3

I am trying to add new email but the verification email is not getting delivered. I have been for almost 8 hours now, I even checked spam/junk but there is nothing


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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @bekomedia! I've checked our mailing servers here, and it looks like you've received and opened that verification email since creating this post. Is that the case? Would love to help further if you still haven't received it!

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    bekomediabekomedia Member Posts: 3

    Hello @ConnorM
    I didn't receive, I just checked now and there is nothing in both my inbox and junk

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @bekomedia

    Can you try sending a reactivation link again and letting me know if you're seeing a link now?

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    bekomediabekomedia Member Posts: 3

    Thanks @BarsinA

    I got the activation link

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Glad to hear it! :smile:

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    ReggieReggie Member Posts: 1

    I'm trying to add a new email address on my profile but I'm not receiving the verification email. I've been waiting almost 10 days now. I have two tickets put in, but no one has responded to any of my emails. I really need help with this.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Reggie , we really appreciate your patience here. Looks like our team was able to get back to you on this but if you have any further questions, don't hesitate to respond to the agent that has been helping you.

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    WavieWavie Member Posts: 7

    I have the same problem, can anyone help?

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    WavieWavie Member Posts: 7

    I am not receiving the verification email

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    WavieWavie Member Posts: 7

    I am trying to add new email but the verification email is not getting delivered. I have been for almost 5 hours now, I even checked spam/junk but there is nothing

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    WavieWavie Member Posts: 7

    Please can someone from technical support assist me with this

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Wavie , it looks liked our address was marked inactive in our system for a while which is why the emails weren't delivering. As of today, it looks like the verification email did indeed deliver though and everything should be back to normal.

    Can you confirm that you were indeed able to receive the email? If you can't find it in your inbox, try checking your spam/junk folder.

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    WavieWavie Member Posts: 7

    Thank You! 😊 🌈🎉
    It is all working now

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