
Account Balances displayed numbers in two line

suwandi_halimsuwandi_halim Member Posts: 5

This is my first time asking question in this community.
I am not sure what title i should use for my question (or request).
Please correct me.

Is it possible to have wider table for Account Balances Report, so the numbers only displayed in one line?

For example:
instead of

I use IDR for currency instead of $
Because $1 ,000.00 equals IDR14,500,000.00
and $10,000.00 equals IDR145,000,000.00
The numbers become too long easily, and the reports become less neat.

Thank you


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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @suwandi_halim

    First off, welcome to the Wave community. We appreciate you bringing this to our attention. Currently there is no way to adjust the table in your reports at this time. Would you be able to upload a screenshot of how this looks in your account? If you could show us we'd be able to investigate a bit further.

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    suwandi_halimsuwandi_halim Member Posts: 5

    Thank you @BarsinA
    Here is the screenshot of the table.
    It just need the table column to be a bit wider, so it will look neat, in my opnion.

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    QaisEQaisE Member Posts: 72 admin

    Hi @suwandi_halim, thank you for taking the time to include screenshot to clarify your request! Currently, Wave's reporting layout is such that a maximum of 13 characters can be included in each line of the reporting. I do know that formatting in this case is important, as you want your reports to be as legible and clean as possible, but I am afraid that we would not be able to adjust that at present. Our product developers always scan the Community to get a sense of customer feedback on our products, so we do appreciate you brining this up here. I hope that this does not pose too big of an inconvenience for you in the meantime.

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    suwandi_halimsuwandi_halim Member Posts: 5

    Okay, I hope it could be a positive feedback for the team.

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