How to upgrade to new layout?

Daryl_76Daryl_76 Member Posts: 4

Hi, just started to use Wave recently but still with old layout, how to upgrade to new layout?


  • QaisEQaisE Member Posts: 72 admin

    Hey @Daryl_76, the old layout in Wave should no longer be available to users who recently created an account. Would you mind sending a screenshot so that we can have a look at the account? We deactivated all accounts on the old platform, so new users joining would not even have the option to be on the old platform. Any information you can provide us with would be super helpful! Thanks!

  • Daryl_76Daryl_76 Member Posts: 4

    Hi, I can't see any "Payment" under Sales menu on the left

  • Daryl_76Daryl_76 Member Posts: 4

    as i need to create refund to customer

  • QaisEQaisE Member Posts: 72 admin

    Hey @Daryl_76, thanks for providing the screenshot for us! The reason you are unable to see Payments listed under Sales is because that feature is only available to users in Canada and the US. You can find more about our Payments eligibility in our help center.

    As for for creating the refund, are you trying to record that in Wave? If you issue an invoice in Wave, you can also record a refund for that invoice by creating a Withdrawal transaction in the Accounting > Transactions page and categorizing it as a Refund Sent for an Invoice in Wave. This will prompt you to select the Invoice that was paid and that you want to refund. Does that help answer your question?

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