
Attach file/scan to transactions

paulwatsoninsydneypaulwatsoninsydney Member Posts: 1

Hello, I'm a new user to Wave and I'm really liking the Upload Receipt function. It helps keep my filing under control. It's great that the Transaction page shows you that a receipt has been uploaded for any given transaction, but there's no way to see that scan from the Transaction page. You have to go into the Receipts page and scroll around trying to find the transaction you need the receipt for - there's no filtering available on that page to make the process of find the transaction easier.

Are there plans to provide a link to the scanned receipt in the Transaction window? Are there plans to make it possible to link a scan/pdf to any transaction? I would find both these features extremely useful.



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    davesecordavesecor Member Posts: 8

    @paulwatsoninsydney said:
    Hello, I'm a new user to Wave and I'm really liking the Upload Receipt function. It helps keep my filing under control. It's great that the Transaction page shows you that a receipt has been uploaded for any given transaction, but there's no way to see that scan from the Transaction page. You have to go into the Receipts page and scroll around trying to find the transaction you need the receipt for - there's no filtering available on that page to make the process of find the transaction easier.

    Are there plans to provide a link to the scanned receipt in the Transaction window? Are there plans to make it possible to link a scan/pdf to any transaction? I would find both these features extremely useful.


    This is exactly the question I was going to ask. This feature is on the old version of wave along with the option to merge the receipt transaction and the imported bank transaction. Will it be added to the new version?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @paulwatsoninsydney and @davesecor.

    It's been on our mind for some time and although I can't give a timeline or promise anything, I can say that we're very aware of the demand for this feature among our users.

    Stay tuned, we are listening.

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    BillyBilly Member Posts: 28

    +1 for this, would like to be able to attach a file to any transaction (income or expense)

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Billy.

    Thank you for your feedback! I'd love to hear more about what you would use a feature like this for. Can you tell me about the kind of files you'd like to see attached to your transactions, in the context of your business?

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    BillyBilly Member Posts: 28

    Hi Alexia, sorry for the delay getting back to you, It just would be nice to have the ability to attach a PDF. instead of having to print it then take a photo with the app to attach. Other times, its nice to link an invoice to a more comprehensive job sheet that may have been done on another platform.
    Journal transactions, may be as a result of a stock take, and being able to attach count sheets or summary working documents would be helpful to explain where the specific numbers came from in a transaction. This also helps communication with the accountant who reviews the information later on.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for following up and adding to your feedback, @Billy!

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    ayamayam Member Posts: 12

    +1 for the attachments to transaction feature

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    BillyBilly Member Posts: 28

    Hi Wave,
    is there any updates on this ? I noticed there are several similar posts

    Seems like there is a common need for this, an update would be great.

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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Billy,

    Thanks for checking in! As of now, we don't have any updates for adding attachments to invoices or bills, although receipt images that are associated with a transaction can now be viewed directly on the Transactions page by clicking into the transaction. Please keep an eye out for these improvements to our invoicing tool in the future!

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    aldomaldom Member Posts: 4

    +1 for this. It is way too cumbersome to create receipts, add transactions from the receipts and then delete the downloaded transaction from the bank connection. This feature is actually something that is making us consider moving to Quickbooks Online (as much as I hate to say it). This has been a feature that Wave has been "very aware" of for nearly a year (at least). Hopefully it is on the roadmap for release very soon!

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    MarshallRMarshallR Member Posts: 2

    @aldom said:
    +1 for this. It is way too cumbersome to create receipts, add transactions from the receipts and then delete the downloaded transaction from the bank connection. This feature is actually something that is making us consider moving to Quickbooks Online (as much as I hate to say it). This has been a feature that Wave has been "very aware" of for nearly a year (at least). Hopefully it is on the roadmap for release very soon!

    Hi aldom.

    I am very new to wave and this was also a feature i was looking for as i came from Quickbooks Online. At first i did it the way you described. As far as i can tell this fixes this issue.

    I came across an article on here that explains that
    1- you add the receipt to the transactions
    2- check the bank transactions and the matching added receipt transaction
    3- select merge

    Now you have 1 transactions. Hope this helps

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    aldomaldom Member Posts: 4

    Thanks @MarshallR. I will give that a try. It doesn't really sound a lot easier. From a step perspective it sounds about the same, but instead of deleting a record we are merging. In an ideal scenario, we would be able to select a transaction and then "Link to Receipt" similar to an Invoice Payment or Bill Payment, or even just be able to upload a file directly to a transaction.

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    BillyBilly Member Posts: 28

    With the new roll out it would have been great to see this feature added. Is there any new updates on this ?

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    22asepsysca22asepsysca Member Posts: 19

    NOOO..please don't add more clutter to the transactions page.....and, I would respectfully like to ask, why do people go to the trouble of uploading receipts into Wave? I don't understand this. What is the resulting benefit? Why don't you just put all your receipts in a file folder at home like I do?

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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    @Billy thanks for checking in! This is something that's slated (tentatively) for Q2-3 this year, so keep an eye out!

    @22asepsysca don't worry about the clutter; there aren't any immediate designs at this time. As for the receipts, I guess the answer is personal preference? I think a lot of people like how they can save the images in Wave, and then export the receipt image file for backups or external audits. Either way, do whatever works best for you!

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    HopHop Member Posts: 1

    @22asepsysca said:
    NOOO..please don't add more clutter to the transactions page.....and, I would respectfully like to ask, why do people go to the trouble of uploading receipts into Wave? I don't understand this. What is the resulting benefit? Why don't you just put all your receipts in a file folder at home like I do?

    Because it would be nice to get rid of the piles of paper at home. Having to keep records for 7 years (UK) means the paperwork ends up being a crazy amount.
    And to answer your first question - uploading receipts means the transaction is entered for you, all you have to do is check it is correct.

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    beliciousbethbeliciousbeth Member Posts: 4

    Hi, I am trying to find a way to search my uploaded receipts to reconcile for year end and I find it pretty hard when there is no function for this and the entries are not even in order by date. At the very least it would help if I can choose how they are filed and have them arranged in order of date. I also am having trouble because it will not allow me to create a receipt without one to upload? I want to create an expense that is a combination of expenses that I have no receipts for but need to expense out of my account. How can I do this? It would be helpful if I could manually create a receipt with no image.

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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Thank you for the suggestion @beliciousbeth! In terms of creating an expense receipt without a receipt, you can do that from Accounting > Transaction. You should be able to add an expense, and then enter the dates, details, and name the transaction. You can also categorize the expense type so that you can track it in your reports!

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    aspirevolleyballaspirevolleyball Member Posts: 1

    Hi Wave, any update on this? Attaching a receipt of invoice scan to a transaction would be deadly.


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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @aspirevolleyball Still not updates on this I'm afraid, but definitely still in our thoughts when improving specific aspects of the software. Appreciate the +1 on this for now, and hopefully we can provide some more context on whether or not we will add this in the near future.

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    NoodzakelijkOnlineNoodzakelijkOnline Member Posts: 4

    @JamieD said:
    @aspirevolleyball Still not updates on this I'm afraid, but definitely still in our thoughts when improving specific aspects of the software. Appreciate the +1 on this for now, and hopefully we can provide some more context on whether or not we will add this in the near future.

    It's already 11 months past, is there any ETA on this feature? It would make your bookkeeping so much complete and (for Dutch standards) compliant to have the ability to add pdf's to transactions regardless of what the transaction is.

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    CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    hi @NoodzakelijkOnline , thanks for your message here. Our team is currently working on other improvements to the transactions page right now, so the ability to add images to transactions is not actively being worked on. That said, it is planned for in our roadmap once the current feature improvements are launched. I don't have an ETA for when this would be launched.

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    NoodzakelijkOnlineNoodzakelijkOnline Member Posts: 4

    @CallieP said:
    hi @NoodzakelijkOnline , thanks for your message here. Our team is currently working on other improvements to the transactions page right now, so the ability to add images to transactions is not actively being worked on. That said, it is planned for in our roadmap once the current feature improvements are launched. I don't have an ETA for when this would be launched.

    A pity but duly noted. Thank you.

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    shoelacedshoelaced Member Posts: 2

    Is Wave even still in active development? This is the fifth basic feature I've had to go Googling how to do tonight, only to find that it's not possible, despite many requests for it years and years running. Is there anything in the pipeline or is Wave just going under? I'm not trying to be snarky, I'm seriously wondering why no development has happened for any of these highly-requested features - I really don't want to set up my whole accounting system here only to get an email soon saying "It's been fun but we're shutting down."

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    CBaliCBali Member Posts: 2

    Hi all, I am new to Wave can you tell me if I can upload a vendor invoice in the same way as a receipt upload please? As far as I can see the receipt upload creates a bank payment but with a vendor invoice there are credit terms so no payment as yet.
    Thank you :-)

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @CBali

    This is not possible at this time anywhere else except under Purchases > Receipts. Here you can upload purchase receipts only. It's a slightly rudimentary tool at the moment but you may see from other comments that this feature is not yet available in Wave.

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