
Accessing my Invoices page - Error code: 545c7ad4f4954e95bc48d41ce94124a8

susanwhillassusanwhillas Member Posts: 1

Everytime I try to prepare some new invoices and access the invoices page I am confronted with a full page sign saying; " Something is broken on this page
Our technical team has been alerted and is working on a solution" (Error code: 545c7ad4f4954e95bc48d41ce94124a8) This has happened for the last 5-6 day and is becoming a real problem for my business that I need remedied asap. I have tried unsuccessfully to contact the business but the HELP button on that page does not respond either. Does anyone know what I can do to get the account fully functioning again? Thank you Susie



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    Kristian_GKristian_G Member Posts: 56 admin

    Hey @susanwhillas!

    We did have a bit of an incident related to our invoices pages recently, that affected a small amount of users. Basically, when a user would try to access the invoices page, they would get a generic error (kind of like the one that you're seeing). A fix has since been implemented to solve this, but it's possible that what you're experiencing could be unrelated. If you can access your invoices page successfully now, it's likely that the issue was related to the incident. If you can't access your invoices page successfully, please continue reading on...

    The first thing that we should try in these kinds of cases, is a little bit of browser troubleshooting. If you're not using one of the Wave supported web browsers please ensure that you do so when attempting this bit of troubleshooting (Google Chrome is best, but any of the ones linked above should work).

    Then, can you please try opening up a private/incognito window, logging into your Wave account in this window, and then trying to access your Sales > Invoices page? If you're able to access the page as normal, than you can simply clear your browser's cookies and cache and that should solve the issue. If you're not able to access the Sales > Invoices page in the private/incognito window, can you please provide a screenshot of the error screen you're getting?

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