Filtering Transactions/Reports by Financial Year (Australia)

Hi Wave Team,
It would be extremely helpful to have a quick filter by Financial Year for Transactions or Reports. The Australian financial year ends on June 30th
Currently changing the settings to this date, makes no difference to filtering date options under Transactions and Reports
@LittleBiz Thanks for that feedback - I moved your post over to our Accounting Feature Ideas as this provides more visibility to our Product teams when looking for new things to implement in Wave.
The Date Settings will not have an affect on your reports in terms of filtering. However, it should change when we calculate your year end - specifically in regards to Year End Calculations. This will be noticed on your Trial Balances Report.
Thanks Nicolette, you understand me perfectly.
I would love to see 'quick filtering' options by financial years
This would be a pure user efficiency addition. The clunkiness is most noticeable when generating reports & working through transactions. Often needs reselecting a date range manually after accidentally closing a WaveApp page or opening a new page to multitask for example.
Thanks @LittleBiz for posting this suggestion. I fully agree with this. +1 from my side
Many businesses don't have financial years that match the calendar year. In Canada we can choose any month as the financial year end.
@NicoletteB I think you understand this completely as well. What would be nice is if when we're looking at the Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss or other reports that we see "Financial Year" in the Date Range drop down.