
Replace "Receipts App" with "Transactions App"

LittleBizLittleBiz Member Posts: 10

Hi Wave team,

Receipts on iOS & iPadOS are great, but severely handicapped.
A full functioning Transactions App -
Direct upload to existing transaction, or create transactions on the fly.

This would encompass all functionality of Receipts but takes the workflow to a whole new level

Currently, the receipt process is extremely complicated & requires 2 devices to complete.



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    NicoletteBNicoletteB Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    @LittleBiz Another great idea! Our hope is to provide a more seamless mobile experience and I (along with our Product team) would love to hear more about what you are looking from a "Transactions app". What parts from Receipts would you take? Would you remove anything? What new features are your highest priority? The more details the better!

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    LittleBizLittleBiz Member Posts: 10

    Duplicate message

    edited April 12, 2020
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    LittleBizLittleBiz Member Posts: 10

    Absolutely, glad to help

    My vision is for a new separate Transactions App for the Advanced user/Bookkeeper/Owner.

    1) High Priority:

    • Full access to Transaction exisiting entries, with ability to filter/sort/review/edit/delete/
    • Quick Buttons to create: Incomes & Expenses
    • Ability to attach receipt or evidence direct to a transaction
    • Workflow would ideally be:

    Create Expense/Income --> Date --> Description --> Account --> Category --> Total --> Attach photo from library, camera or PDF from Files -- > Quick Checkbox to review/unreview transaction
    With the option to start the process with Camera or by Entering details up to the user
    (Auto Capture details is an amazing function, but it may not be efficient, so keep that setting optional)
    **Re: Totals, there should be two available boxes to fill: Subtotal or Total (inc tax) **

    a) If a user enters an amount in "Subtotal" There should be a 'add GST/VAT' quick check button which auto fills the default tax (ie. 10% sales) to the 'Total (inc tax)' field.
    b) If the user enters an amount into the "Total (inc tax)" field, selecting that same 'add GST/VAT' quick check should auto back fill the 'Subtotal' amount. The calculation is easy: * Subtotal $100.00, GST $10.00, Total inc Tax $110.00 *
    c) This function is currently not working correctly on the Receipts App is not efficient in the web Transactions page (requiring 3-4 user actions instead of 1)
    2) Lower Priority

    • Include ability to Merge transactions or create Journal Entries
    • Ability to quick filter by financial year
    • Split transactions
    • Allow dates to be entered numerically instead of with a calendar drop down
      Why this Transactions App is necessary

    • Entirely eliminates the need for separate Receipts database/archive

    • Advanced users can find Bank Fed transactions and attach photos/receipts/evidence directly
    • Receipt workflow improved drastically - cuts down user actions req. several fold
    • Advanced users have access to iPad's with cameras --> better evidence capture ability
    • Optimized Transaction workflow by not needing to: Open web browser, login, find transaction page, then filter

    3) Existing iOS and iPadOS Receipts App

    Should now be for employees only

    Should essentially have the same workflow as above
    Create Expense/Take Photo --> Date --> Description --> Account --> Category --> Subtotal/Total --> Attach Photo/Camera/PDF

    • Will only be able to create new expenses
    • Will not need to verify or review transactions as this is up to the Advanced users
    • Limited function may include: no viewing, deleting, editing, merging existing transactions
    • No need for Journal entry or Merge function

    • Allow in App setting for unique Employee/user ID saved to each transaction they post.

    • This will allow Advanced users with access to Transactions to filter by 'UserID' for easy reconciliation
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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @LittleBiz

    Thank you so much for this elaborate and comprehensive use case scenario of how this type new application would help improve Wave's functionality. You should know that our developers are always scouring the forum for new feature ideas so we greatly appreciate this thorough post.

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    jo243588jo243588 Member Posts: 2

    @NicoletteB said:
    @LittleBiz Another great idea! Our hope is to provide a more seamless mobile experience and I (along with our Product team) would love to hear more about what you are looking from a "Transactions app". What parts from Receipts would you take? Would you remove anything? What new features are your highest priority? The more details the better!

    You should take a look at the consumer app YNAB (You need a budget) they have an amazing phone and iPad app that is very powerful and focuses on managing transactions. This is what I want for my business accounts WAVE please make a real mobile app that can manage transactions and receipts.

    It's not good enough to just make a responsive web app that you access in a browser. Just a poor user experience.

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    RBCANIRBCANI Member Posts: 1

    I just received a notification that the receipts app is being merged into another app. Is that app available? Where can I get it? I currently have receipts and invoices app...

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    KipKip Member Posts: 8


    The new receipt in-app replacement doesn't work.

    We captured receipts at the point of sale so we don't have to manage receipts or create transactions when I'm at lunch, the office store, or Costco.

    It was a total of 3 simple steps to be able to capture receipts and merge them with the electronic transaction from the banking institution. This process is now 12 or more with the first 10 required just to capture the receipt. The missing AI on capturing the receipt details was a blessing and a reason to use Wav alone.

    Despite missing the primary point of using the app, you took a process that took 3 "presses" to over 12 steps with 10 of them required at the dinner table in front of clients (launching a browser, logging in, "create a" -> transaction (small button on a phone and can't even click the right one half the time), entering details, transitioning through tabs to eventually being able to capture the photo, to finally press "save"....

    ....and then after that, we still have to log in a 2nd time to merge transactions!

    I fail to understand the value proposition of this new and "improved" system. This was 9 steps backward by my count.

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    KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @RBCANI ,

    To clarify here, the Receipts app has been removed, rather than merged into anther app. However, you are still able to upload receipts on your mobile device, through logging in to your Wave account on the browser :smile:

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    KipKip Member Posts: 8

    That was my point "replacement" - the replacement, an in-website replacement using your browser on your phone, is a very poor replacement for the now-retired app. It's very clear many of us app users that the product manager and/or analysts clearly don't understand the value of the efficiency of capturing a receipt when they designed this new process without the app. Again, you took a simple process 3 step process that took less than 20 seconds each to a 12 step process that takes 2 minutes each. This is not an acceptable solution when at lunch with a client or trying to get out of the checkout line at the store.

    The value was to have a very quick way to capture receipts so we can get out of the business of managing receipts.

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    MediaMadMediaMad Member Posts: 1

    New to Wave. Disappointed to find this limitation. An app to easily capture and submit expenses is essential. I don't mind if the admin part of it is in the web portal but you really don't have a full fledged business solution without it.

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    KensaiKensai Member Posts: 1
    I had considered switching from Hudlr to wave, but the lack of of a functional app to gather receipts prevents that. Too bad.
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    DerekDoubleEntryDerekDoubleEntry Member Posts: 3

    Please give users back the ability to quickly capture receipts.
    The mobile app worked well for years and allowed us to scan in dozens of receipts relatively quickly. It is technically still possible to scan in receipts but the new process takes MUCH longer, breaking the entire workflow. This functionality is necessary, not a nice-to-have feature for an all-in-one accounting service like Wave. Thank you for your consideration.

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