Invoice Date & Payment Received Date when using "Add income" under transaction.

RajeshRajesh Member Posts: 2

How can i enter the invoice send date in the transaction when using
Accounting>Transaction>Add income

Eg. I have received payment from my customer on 3 Mar 2020, But the original invoice date is on Dec 2019, This make unclear statement when creating financial year end report for 2019(Previous year)

Fyi, I have many invoices, i didn't created invoice in wave.. I am using wave to record the payment as on now.


  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Rajesh! Unfortunately, this is not something that can be added into an income transaction within Wave. I'm sorry for the inconvenience here, but we definitely appreciate your feedback and use case, and we're determined to improve our software moving forwards.

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