
Statements & Bank Reconciliation

TeekTeek Member Posts: 23

Hi there @Mikeg @EmmaP @AlexL @BarsinA @Markus @Alexia

I have two question, hope you can help

1) So i see there a new feature of sending statements to clients which is a great feature thanks. My question is, i have clients who have different branches around the country and i've named them according to their different branches, the thing is they operate under a centralized structure and so i need to send statements to the main branch headquarters, however i want to be able to send 1 statement that includes all the branches instead of having to send each statement for each branch, is that not possible?

2) My second question is somewhat similar, under reconciliation or upload bank statement, i have divided my accounts under transactions into different categories of accounts, so i have to choose one account to upload to or reconcile with, but my bank statement covers all those accounts, by that i mean, all the transactions that took place on my bank statement are a sum of those accounts that have been split up, so my question is, isn't there a way to reconcile all of them under the same umbrella "All Accounts" term..


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    EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Teek! Thanks for reaching out! In regards to your first question, you can only generate statements on a customer basis (one per customer). There isn't a way to combine or edit the statements to fit what you are wanting to do I'm afraid. You would have to combine the totals of the statements outside of Wave and send a separate statement. To answer the second question, I'm afraid there isn't a way to reconcile these accounts as one. Is there a particular reason you have split the accounts this way? I am curious to hear about the process behind this so we can make suggestions to our team for feature ideas!

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    TeekTeek Member Posts: 23
    Hi @EmmaP
    Alright I understand, I will have to find a work around for the first question

    On the second, the reason why I created different accounts is because we have a publishing house and we treat each book as an account on its own but within the same business for ease of accounting for each book's economic activity, that way the expenses and income are allocated under that one account Which helps to see how each book is/has done, I can actually isolate each book's activities and also get an overall sense of each books contribution to the overall performance of the business.
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