
Paypal integration keeps failing

alessandrojcmalessandrojcm Member Posts: 1

Hi there,

I'm trying to connect my Paypal account to Wave but I had no success so far. Every time I try, the integration process completes successfully; but then Wave says that the integration has problems and I need to re-authorize; which I do but then it happens all over again.

Somebody have had any problems with this?



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    Old_Yankee_Co1951Old_Yankee_Co1951 Member Posts: 4

    I am having an issue with paypal integration. My paypal account is showing my paypal accounts attached to wave x3 duplicating all previous transacations. How do I remove all paypal from integration and start over. My numbers are all thrown off over this

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    ryanwilsonperkinryanwilsonperkin Member Posts: 18 admin

    Hey @Old_Yankee_Co1951 , thanks for reaching out!

    I would advise that you do not disconnect and then reconnect the PayPal integration. Doing this will result in a new PayPal category getting added to your chart of accounts every time you reconnect the PayPal account, and you'd have to then manually move all your old PayPal imports over to the new account.

    That said, I can help get you sorted out. What you'll want to do first is go to your Accounting Tab > Chart of Accounts, and click the pen icon to the right of one of those duplicate accounts, then just add a distinguishing feature (eg. Account1) so you can tell them apart. Once this is done, go to your Transactions page and filter for each Account in order to figure out which is the currently active connection (the one with the most recent transactions).

    You then will have two options for transferring all the information from the old accounts to the new one.

    1. You can filter your Transactions screen by the old account, then manually change the account on each transaction to be listed as the new account. You can do this by clicking the transaction Account dropdown to change it to the new PayPal account.
    2. If you have many transactions in the old accounts and changing each individually sounds wholly unappealing, you can instead filter by the unwanted account then click the box to the left of 'Date' to select all associated transactions then Delete. You would then want to manually upload a statement for that specific date range, ensuring that when you upload the statement you are choosing the desired Account to have them listed under!

    If you choose the second option, something to keep in mind is that the system will only want to see 3 columns in the file you are uploading; Date, Description, Amount, where expenses will be shown with a negative sign in front of the amount value (unless it is a Credit Card statement, in which case you'll want to make payments to the credit card with a negative sign!) and Dates will be formatted as mm/dd/yyyy.

    Here is a basic example of this format:

    01/01/2018, Description 1, -250
    01/02/2018, Description 2, 550.50
    01/02/2018, Description 3, -120.75

    Once you have all your transactions successfully associated with the currently active account you will be able to go to the Accounting Tab -> 'Chart of accounts' and click the trash can icon to the right of the unwanted accounts to delete them from your Wave profile.

    I hope this helps! If you're still having difficulty – or if any of that was unclear – feel free to let me know.

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    danielhinton98danielhinton98 Member Posts: 0

    I have used the PayPal integration and it is not bringing transactions in from January to August..

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @danielhinton98

    Our PayPal integration can certainly experience some issues with importing transactions at times. I can assure you that you are not the first user to report that you are experiencing difficulties with this integration.I would recommend attempting to 'refresh' the connection using the following instructions:

    Click Integrations, then click the pen icon to the right of the PayPal integration to edit that connection. When you open this window you will be able to adjust the date field to import from one day prior to the date you currently have listed. Doing this will act as a manual refresh and prompt the system to pull any transactions that have not been automatically imported.

    If this does not resolve the issue, then, unfortunately, the connection is most likely broken, and as a result, it will be necessary to upload your PayPal transactions using a .CSV upload. I realize that this is far from ideal, but given the current state of our PayPal integrations, you may find that this approach causes fewer headaches in the long run. The first step will be to download your PayPal history HERE and then format the .CSV file so that it fits the format below:

    01/01/2019, Description 1, -250
    01/02/2019, Description 2, 550.50
    01/02/2019, Description 3, -120.75

    Uploading the resulting file should allow you to get all of your PayPal transactions recorded in Wave.

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    greengrassgreengrass Member Posts: 1

    Similar issue, I keep getting redirected around in circles:

    Step 1. https://accounting.waveapps.com/integrations/7322182/paypal/config
    "Configure your PayPal integration below" [clicked SAVE]

    Step 2. “Grant Permission to Wave Apps” [clicked yes]

    1. Then i’m redirected back to step 1 above

    I'm not sure if I'm choosing a date range that's outside of the range of import? I'm trying to import all of 2019 PayPal transactions into Wave, anyone know if this is the issue? I'm stumped.

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    HowzitgarnHowzitgarn Member Posts: 1

    I have exactly the same problem. I'm new to Wave and I have years of tax to catch up on, so I was wondering if that was the issue? However you are having the same issue with just 2019 transactions....

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    TonyH28TonyH28 Member Posts: 3

    I am having the same issue when trying to integrate with my Paypal account. It seems at first that it connects properly, but I get a "
    An error occurred when connecting to this integration. Please re-authorize and try again."
    error and each time I try to re-authorize it creates a new account and fails the same way.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi everyone. We've been in touch with PayPal and it looks like there is an issue occurring with the connection. We do have it being looked at and worked on at the moment, but until it's fixed you can use Wave Connect to get any necessary transactions into Wave.

    Thanks for your patience!

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    crutchofmemorycrutchofmemory Member Posts: 1

    Hello, I am having similar issues where it keeps loading for hours but never uploads. I just followed AlexL's suggestion to use Wave Connect to upload a CSV spreadsheet via Google Sheets, but I wasn't able to get that app to download either. This is day 2 of me trying to upload my paypal transactions to my wave accounting to no avail. Any other suggestions? Thanks!

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    TomWTomW Member Posts: 1

    My paypal connection stopped a few days ago. I went to banking to re-connect and Paypal isn't listed as a bank anymore. What the hell is going on?

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @crutchofmemory and @TomW.
    It's looking like there are still some ongoing issues that Alex had mentioned above. I'm sorry for the inconvenience here! @crutchofmemory can you let me know what you're seeing when you're looking into that Wave Connect feature? Any screenshots or errors that you're seeing would be great to have.

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    tanyakapstanyakaps Member Posts: 1

    Hi @ConnorM -

    I've also been experiencing the same problem as all of the above. Here's a screencap for you to help you see what's going on: https://share.getcloudapp.com/nOu8mn1b

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    JessGJessG Member Posts: 54 admin

    @tanyakaps Thanks for that screen recording! That was awesome!

    It does appear that you're affected by the know issue described above issue. To confirm our engineers are aware of this issue and are currently working with PayPal to determine a resolution for this.

    Right now there are a few alternatives available:

    You may wish to consider disconnecting the PayPal account all together and using the Statement Upload method which will allow you to import transactions downloaded directly from your PayPal account to your business profile, similarly to the Credit Card/Bank account import process accessible through the MORE options in the Accounting > Transactions page under
    "Upload a Bank Statement".

    Or you can use Wave Connect to import your PayPal transactions into your Wave account. All you need to do is input the transactional information into a template that is generated through the add-on feature in Google sheets and it auto-populates right into your Wave account once you've validated the data.

    edited April 23, 2020
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    Tanya233Tanya233 Member Posts: 3
    @JessG it must have been another person, I don't have this issue.
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    JessGJessG Member Posts: 54 admin

    @Tanya233 Ah thank you for pointing out! Sorry about that - edited my post!

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    clballerclballer Member Posts: 2

    Any updates on a fix? I'm also having this issue.

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    TonyH28TonyH28 Member Posts: 3

    Any updates on this from Wave? I tried again to connect my PayPal account and it continues to give me the "An error occurred when connecting to this integration. Please re-authorize and try again." alert and gives the account a -25.75 balance. This has been the same each and every time I attempt the integration.

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    vwebb0610vwebb0610 Member Posts: 1

    Any updates on this issue? I am getting a new business set up and this is very frustrating to the owner.

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    NiphaNipha Member Posts: 1

    Hi guys, Any updates on this issue?

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    yjbyjb Member Posts: 1

    Same here, and this is major and it needs to be resolved quick. I am surprise this thread has not more comments. because Wave is useless to me without a proper Paypal Sync.

    IMO, a month to resolve something that important doesn't make any sense. This should be high on the priority list, or at least, staff should at least update us.


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    clballerclballer Member Posts: 2

    It's been almost a month since this was first reported and over a week since Wave's latest update. I was using Wave as a trial, but not being able to connect with PayPal is a non-starter. Not getting something as critical as this fixed asap is a big failure. I'm going to another service. For everyone else already using Wave, good luck!

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    LFWLFW Member Posts: 1

    We need an update here guys - now more than ever it's time for businesses to get their back office things in order while physical locations are shut down. I am grateful for what your team is going, and am sure you have lots of business coming in although this has been identified for awhile now. Hope to get this resolved so I can become an avid waveapp user.

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey all, thanks for bringing this up in the community.

    Our integrations manager has reached out to Paypal for some further information regarding this current outage. Presently it looks like there is an API error between Wave/PayPal at the moment. We are awaiting an API update in order for our team to implement a fix at the moment. We do appreciate your patience. Please check out WAVE CONNECT or our CSV uploader as an alternative to uploading your paypal transactions. We understand the frustration regarding this feature not working as it hinders your day to day bookkeeping and greatly appreciate your patience.

    edited May 4, 2020
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    erqerq Member Posts: 1


    I don´t manage to get my paypal connected with wave: it is just a continous loop between granting window in paypal and wave asking business and starting date. Simply does not work to connect.

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    erqerq Member Posts: 1

    Thanks for update. Same problems for me.

    Any update

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    TonyH28TonyH28 Member Posts: 3

    Update on the API update update?

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    dagreen4229dagreen4229 Member Posts: 1

    As of 5/11 I am still having this same issue. Looking forward to the API update.

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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey all! Thanks for your continued communication around the PayPal integration and it not working with Wave at the moment. As @ConnorM @JessG and @AlexL have all explained, we are aware of the issue, however it is more of a complex issue with the way that the two integrations work together. As I'm sure you can imagine, both products (Wave and PayPal) were created separately and by different teams. This means that often, when a change happens on either platform, we may find issues that pop up and require both teams to do some intensive research of the issue to understand the complexity and this can take a lot of time for both parties. As we forecast this to be a longer than usual issue, we have outlined the 2 options above that aree most commonly successful for getting your transactions from PayPal into Wave. These are outline in Jess's post above.> @JessG said:

    @tanyakaps Thanks for that screen recording! That was awesome!

    It does appear that you're affected by the know issue described above issue. To confirm our engineers are aware of this issue and are currently working with PayPal to determine a resolution for this.

    Right now there are a few alternatives available:

    You may wish to consider disconnecting the PayPal account all together and using the Statement Upload method which will allow you to import transactions downloaded directly from your PayPal account to your business profile, similarly to the Credit Card/Bank account import process accessible through the MORE options in the Accounting > Transactions page under
    "Upload a Bank Statement".

    Or you can use Wave Connect to import your PayPal transactions into your Wave account. All you need to do is input the transactional information into a template that is generated through the add-on feature in Google sheets and it auto-populates right into your Wave account once you've validated the data.

    I totally acknowledge that this is far from ideal and for that I'm sorry. As we are working on the integration as we speak, when we have updates, we will be sure to share them here. In the interim, please check out the above options, as these will be the most effective ways. If you do have difficulties trying either of these options, then we will be happy to help in those cases. :)

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    Harley99Harley99 Member Posts: 1

    It looks like this has been a known issue since early January. That's 4 months and counting. Given that this whole system works on APIs with Zapier and you can't fix an API in 5 months, well, that doesn't instill much confidence. What's going on that it would take so long to fix this?

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    BrianFreytagBrianFreytag Member Posts: 1

    Are there any updates on this? This is a pretty serious show stopper for me right now as I plan on doing a lot of my stuff through Paypal.

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