Where to update Connected Account - bank password has changed

How do I update the password for my connected account? I just had to change it with my bank because I got completely locked out. I will get locked out again if there are more "wrong password" attempts, which Wave will do unless I can update the password. I can't find anywhere to do it, and when I try to add the account from scratch it says it can't be done because the bank has made changes that won't allow connections.
Hey there @rhawk
Typically you'll see a "reconnect" button once the update has been sent to Wave. If the "reconnect button" does not appear within a few business days you can delete your connection and try this again. Be sure to change the transaction import date however so as not to get duplicates in your account.
So does this mean there is no way to manually update passwords for linked accounts?
When deleting and re-linking connected accounts, what is the best way to ensure no missed transactions, duplicates, or other errors crop up?
Hey there @JimmyWilkins
At this moment there isn't a way to log out or update your details through the connected accounts page without deleting the connection and reinstating it.
Hi Barsin,
I have a similar issue. I had to change my bank password due to security reasons. It looks like wave doesn't allow us to update our already linked bank passwords. So the only other option is to delete the linked accounts and reinstate them. But looks like that is not possible when your existing account is payout account. This is the error I get:
"RBC Royal Bank can't be deleted because one of its accounts receives your payouts
Update your payout account to a different financial institution first, then try again." What do you suggest? I tried to create a fake payout account with 0000 account number but that doesn't work. So currently I can't update or delete my bank accounts from wave. Please advise.
Hey @Sadat
If you're having troubles reconnecting your bank due to a payout account being connection, you can do this manually. Head to Settings (bottom left corner) > Payouts > Here you should be able to update your bank credentials. Enter in 0000 (or any dummy account info) then you should see the option to "Use your bank routing and account numbers". Enter in your actual bank account details in manually to receive payments on your invoices and you should be good to go!
Now you should be able to disconnect your bank if you like.
I will say we are currently experiencing a major issue with RBC at the moment
You may find that you're unable to reconnect by entering in your credentials. However give this a try!
When I need to update my transactions, I always eliminate my bank account In Wave, but then reconnect it. I've never had any problems reconnecting until today. I'm typing in my correct password for my bank, which I know works because I successfully connect to my bank, Country Bank for Savings. I'm typing in my username correctly as well. However Wave is telling me that either my username or password is incorrect. Has Wave introduced a new security measure such that I'm receiving this error message when I log in?
hey @wachusettpets sorry to hear you're running into invalid credentials issues when connecting with your Country Bank for Savings account. I took a look on the back end and the error that is appearing is indeed "INVALID_CREDENTIALS". I recommend to double check the spelling of your username and password (in case of case sensitivity), and that you're able to log into your online banking with the exact credentials.
If you continue to run into the error after confirming the above, please submit an email to our support team and we'd be happy to look further into this for you.