
Adding a province to Seychelles

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin
This discussion was created from comments split from: Sending invoices.


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    LutherLuther Member Posts: 9

    Hello, I want to start using wave but I have 1 small issue. I live in Seychelles and you have all the province listed except for only one which you missed which is actually the capital city which is were most businesses are located. Another would be the industrial area which is not there also. So as a suggestion do you think you can add "Victoria" which is the capital city and "Providence" which is the industrial area. I would greatly appreciate it as I could then start using wave fully. Right now its defaulting to any random province even if I leave the box empty. Thank you so much

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Luther. I did a bit of digging and we do seem to be missing a few districts in the greater Victoria area, but most of them, including the three that cover the city itself, do appear.

    You'll just have to choose the appropriate district for your business and for your client. I'll put in a request for the missing districts ("Roche Caiman" and "Les Mamelles").

    Is the information I'm finding out of date?

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    LutherLuther Member Posts: 9

    @Alexia I wouldn't say out of date, But not exactly accurate. You see actually Mahe is the main island and in Mahe Victoria is the capital city and main central point, the Town as we put it here. Victoria doesn't have any sub districts in it. It is a district of it own in terms of address reference. For example my business address is

    Trinity House 2nd floor, Second office
    Huteau Lane

    This would be my full address stating that my business is located in town. But without it being available in the district list I can't put my correct address on the invoice. All other district are away from Victoria and hence I can't use them as my district, And another one "Providence" is sort of new as an industrial estate so in that case your info would be outdated.

    edited March 21, 2018
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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Luther,

    From what I can find, Victoria is composed of Riviere Anglaise, Saint Louis and
    Mont Fleuri, is that not right? I did some more research and, again, from what I can find, it seems like there isn't a standard address format in Seychelles. You'll have to choose one of the districts, but you can otherwise customize your address blocks pretty extensively since most of them don't lock you into a particular format.

    You could, for example, just write down "Victoria, Mahe" as the city.

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    LutherLuther Member Posts: 9

    Hello @Alexia

    All 3 of what you have mentioned are district that borders with Victoria. One in the east, one in the north, and another in the south side but they are not part of Victoria. And that is exactly what I mean we don't have a standard address format. The island its so small we the locals literally know everywhere. We know all the district. But Victoria is not a district it is the capital. And I would do customized address block like you said. But I cannot leave the district field empty, If I do, it defaults to a random one. And since the first thing customers will look at is the district. Putting something like St Louis or English River or Mont Fleuri will be very miss leading for them. Can't anyone just add Victoria on that district list and simply let customer choose their correct required district? I'm only asking this cause Victoria is missing on there. I really love wave and I think its awesome. The idea of not being able to use it cause one district is missing on the district list just kills me. I've been waiting for it for like almost 2 years for you guys to add it but since now nothing, So thats why I thought I would try and contribute this piece of info :(

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Luther. Thank you for taking the time to explain this to us. I'll bring it up with the right people on my end and see what can be done.

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    LutherLuther Member Posts: 9


    Thank You so much for listening to my contribution. I am pleased to know that it will be looked at. And if they do add it to the list, Is there anyway I can be notified about it so I can start using the invoice feature immediately please?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Luther. I tagged this post in such a way that I'll be notified if and when changes are made to province lists in Wave. I'll reach out to you here when I have more information.

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    LutherLuther Member Posts: 9

    Thank you very much. Your help is very much appreciate by me and all other locals waiting on this. Thank you

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Always happy to help, @Luther!

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    LutherLuther Member Posts: 9

    Hello @Alexia

    Still no news in regards to this matter? :(

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Luther.

    Not yet! I can't give you an exact timeline as to when this will be done, as tasks undertaken by our engineers are done in priority order. I understand how frustrating this must be, but I can only say that it is on their task lists and will be taken care of.

    edited April 13, 2018
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    LutherLuther Member Posts: 9
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    LutherLuther Member Posts: 9

    We have been forgotten :(

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Luther.

    Our team did update the province list according to the ISO standards found at https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:code:3166:SC

    This was done around the end of last month. For standardization reasons, we cannot deviate from what is recommended by the International Organization for Standardization.

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    LutherLuther Member Posts: 9

    Nevermind..... :(:(:(

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