
Staring Balances for Shareholder Loan and for Retained Earnings

VibenViben Member Posts: 8

I have been able to enter a starting balance for the bank account. However, I have spent hours trying and failing to enter starting balances for Shareholder Loan and for Retained Earnings.
All instructions tell me to select "Owner's Equity" from the drop down menu, while this option does not even exist in the system!
Even when I am able to find something that could be used in the menus (eg. Retained Earnings, which may oocasionally show up as an option, now and then), the sections I make are not saved. This is especially problematic for the Category setting.
I'm about to give up and move on to another accounting software option unless someone can tell me how to get these very basic tasks done.


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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Viben

    This is a bit confusing, as it sounds like you might be having some issues with a potential bug if a transaction's category disappears sometimes and doesn't save. Would you mind send our team a support ticket with some further details and they might be able to help you out further. Some screenshots of any errors would help as well. Thanks!

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    VibenViben Member Posts: 8

    I was using Firefox, which is my browser of choice. However, these issues seem to disappair when changing to Chrome.

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Viben! Glad to hear it. If it's working on Chrome, then I would recommend continuing to use Chrome for the time being, while perhaps troubleshooting your Firefox browser in the meantime.

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    CristinaACristinaA Member Posts: 1

    Any follow up help on how to enter starting balance for retained earnings? I need to enter a retained earnings balance but don't know how.

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